borrislovesbeef ( i did not make the name my friend did)
Reason for wanting to join:
I'm looking for a nice mature community that is 100% legit and fun to play with. Singleplayer isnt even comparable to multiplayer. The player interactions are just fun and being able to accomplish things together are an amazing experience .I am wanting to share my builds with others because i find know point of playing if your builds are only for yourself. I have played with the bteam modpack a little and have enjoyed it a lot so far. I used to play a lot of feed the beast and now I am looking for less of grind to have fun. I have been apart of many whitelist servers and love the community that come with them. I like the rules you have picked they keep my stuff and builds respected and not destroyed in a matter of minutes. I see all the fun Generik and Bdubs are having and I want to join but sadly i cannot and this is the closet way to have fun with them.
Favorite mod:
Tinkers Construct, Advanced Genetics.
Mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods):
About 1 year have been trying mods. Mods add a whole other element to minecraft that make it more fun than it orginally is. Mods/Modpacks i have used a lot are: FTB, Hexxit, Pixelmon, B-Team
Yes, xvancity
Thank you taking the time to read my application and considering me.