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  1. every time i enter my friend server (1.0.8) is tell me "bad login" i read that i have to detelet and download the mod pack again and i did it and it didnt work. any one have a solution?
  2. how do i downgrade? i dont see a bottom =(
  3. when i try to enter to my friend server is tell me: "forge mod loader could not connect to this server. the mod and version listed below could not be found. they are required to play on this server Tconstruct : 1.6.X- galacticraftcore : 2.0.9 projred:transmission :1.0 projred:transportion : 1.0 advancegenetics : v1.4 projred:intergration :1.0 carpentersblocks : v2.0.2 projred:core : projred:illuminatio : 1.0 projred:compatibility : 1.0 witchey : 0.14.0 forgemultipart : mcmultipart : projred:exporation : 1.0 galacticraftmars : 2.0.9" i want to play with my friend and i dont know how to fix it please help
  4. how do i remove it if i try is tell me i cant delete the folder and when i tap "try again" it wont work
  5. please help. this is my first post and my english suck so please try to understand, every time i enter to the attak of the bteam is tell me "A list of ID conflict has been written to the file 'IDConflicts.txt' in your minecraft directory" so i search in youtube and is told me to go to minecraft. witch is attak-of-the-bteam folder in modpack folder, so i got this from there: if that help you. so if it happen to other people please tell me, and if it only me can you help me fix it? ty for reading
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