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Everything posted by TheCraftMaster78

  1. IGN:TheCraftMaster78 Age:13 but mature. Youtube (Optional): What you are good at: I like adventuring and i can be ok at redstone and project red but not a pro. Why should I pick you/why do you want to join: I played this modpack in singleplayer for about 2 months and had a lot of fun but found that i got bored of being by myself. I will follow any rules that I need to and will be friendly as long as others are to me. Time Zone: Pacific (California) Skype:TheCraftMaster78 P.S. It would be great if you could contact me through my email as well if i am accepted into the server therynnwinberry@ymail.com Thanks.
  2. Ign(Minecraft Username): TheCraftMaster78 2. Age: 13 but mature. 3. Skype (Required):TheCraftMaster78 4. Any builds your planning on doing? I was thinking about doing a tall castle-like tower but not quite sure yet. 5. What are your favorite mod(s) in AotBT? Tinkers Construct, Carpenters Blocks, Galacticraft 6. How long have you been playing AotBT? I have been playing for a few months now. 7. Anything else I need to know? I will most likely be on the server for at least an hour a day every day as long as i like the server and am still interested in the modpack. I hope you accept me and thankyou. P.S. Please email me at therynnwinberry@ymail.com if i am accepted into the server.
  3. age...: 13 how often will you play on the server?: Every day at least 1 or 2 hours (most of the time a lot more) are you willing to play fair? Yes, I am 100% willing to play fair as long as everyone else plays fair also. will you respect other players and their stuff/ builds? Yes, like i said above i will follow all rules and respect other players as long as they do the same for me. If i am accepted to the server it would be nice if you could notify me by either skype: TheCraftMaster78 or my email: therynnwinberry@ymail.com. Thanks
  4. Ok, i figured it out. I actually built the forgery wrong... :/ my bad.I forgot about the smeltery drain... Thanks anyway.
  5. Ok, so i have been playing the Attack of the B Team for a little bit and i was trying to make some tinkers construct tools but it does not seem to work. I went to make a gold outline thing for the forgery so i could make a pickaxe head and i could not pour the gold into the casting table. I would click on the faucet but nothing happens. Also, when i try to make stone or wood parts in the part building table, it will not work. I have not heard of anyone else having this problem before but if anyone knows why or how i could fix this it would be great, thanks.
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