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About Jhonny_Mayhem

  • Birthday 10/22/1986

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  • Interests
    role play, youtube, music composition. digital media editing, out of the box thinking, in the box thinking, thinking like a cat, running away from cats.

    my inspirations have always been bdoubleO100 and keralis1 both as youtube personalities and because of their building skills. i have learned a lot from their videos and feel i have surpassed them in my own building skills.

    i play all those nerdy DnD games and dungeon master. i love wrestling, i have helped with over 9 minecraft servers since beta running various mods. I love to build and have a great attention to detail because of my crappy computer.

    manufacturer: Acer
    model: Aspire 5742
    rating 4.3
    processor: intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M430
    Installed memory 9ram) 4.00GB (3.68 GB usable)
    system type: 64-bit OS

    getting a new computer before december 2015. shout out to my brother islands420 "the man in the yellow thong" - generickb
  • Minecraft In-Game Name

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  1. Hi my name is Jhonny, age 30 I am a university student mastering in arts. I am an above average builder who logs 6 to 8 minecraft hours a week. I have been featured in youtube videos, example below. I have also been a dungeon master and avid wrestling fan for the past 6 years. I am to old for drama and im looking to build a small community, so i am hoping to find 1 amazing person to add to my community. I have been running an atobt server for the past year and few months and so much has happened and i have met so many great people. sadly one of our members had to leave by his own choice so we are opening up the white-list again for new people to join us in the attack of the b-team Uselesgamers server! we are hoping you will join us for a new season and a new spawn villlage. while our other youtube members would prefer you be a youtuber it is not necessary, but i would LOVE to see another great builder on the server and feel a good builder who logs good hours will help keep the servers momentum. i do how ever ask for mature older members only. we find that children do not understand the social dynamics of the server and burn out fast often causing problems. often all it takes is one grifer to ruin your desire to play, so the server is monitored and is backed up every night. greifers will get auto-banned instantly without warning or apology. give me a shout, we might be able to make amazing magic together. looking for your age:? hours logged? are you a youtuber or builder? please enjoy one of my favorite little adventures:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwYim5GZ_ok the following took place in my witches grove underground.
  2. Hi my name is Jhonny, age 30 I am a university student mastering in arts. I am an above average builder who logs 6 to 8 minecraft hours a week. I have been featured in youtube videos, example below. I have also been a dungeon master and avid wrestling fan for the past 6 years. I am to old for drama and im looking to build a small community, so i am hoping to find 1 amazing person to add to my community. I have been running an atobt server for the past year and few months and so much has happened and i have met so many great people. sadly one of our members had to leave by his own choice so we are opening up the white-list again for new people to join us in the attack of the b-team Uselesgamers server! we are hoping you will join us for a new season and a new spawn villlage. while our other youtube members would prefer you be a youtuber it is not necessary, but i would LOVE to see another great builder on the server and feel a good builder who logs good hours will help keep the servers momentum. i do how ever ask for mature older members only. we find that children do not understand the social dynamics of the server and burn out fast often causing problems. often all it takes is one grifer to ruin your desire to play, so the server is monitored and is backed up every night. greifers will get auto-banned instantly without warning or apology. give me a shout, we might be able to make amazing magic together. looking for your age:? hours logged? are you a youtuber or builder? please enjoy one of my favorite little adventures:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwYim5GZ_ok the following took place in my witches grove underground.
  3. I am currently looking to build a small youtube community with talent. as always, only one great person is needed.

    1. tasp42911


      I would love to help! I am 14. Maybe we could chat later on skype my skype is: tasp42911.

  4. hey has anyone else made any multiplayers arenas? been looking for new ideas.
  5. hey! a couple people and i made a atob PVP arena and were lucky enough to havea youtuber come on and record a few matches. i just wanted to share it with the community for insparation, feedback, and likes Thanks for your time peoples!
  6. Check out the Useless gamers 1st PVP ARENA!!! shoutout to the newest member vanillaraccooon! Keep those applications comming minecrafters!
  7. Hello community this is my first post, due to the hostile nature of this mod i have had to design my base into a dungion full of hostile exotic animals, harsh rapid changing enviroments, and the most deadly trolling of traps. unfortunatly i have had to make many architectural sacrifices because everyone flys around as a bat on the server. my hard counter to this has been rapid changing enviroments forcing one to change or die. my plight has been that normal conventional traps do not work effectivly against flyings bats so i mainly use top down lava(poison,wither,resonant ender, etc), mobs, and crushing mechanisims. I was wondering if anyone in the community would be willing to share an idea or a an example of how they have effectivly delt with this issue. I realize traps are a personal thing and educating the community about them hinders their effectiveness. so i thank you greatly for the reply in advance for putting your projects at risk by particapating. So tell us, how do you deal with bats?
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