Wow, my original thread really sparked something, I was not expecting it to get that huge.. anyways, when people start taking sides and causing drama about mods and e-peens, it just causes more problems. Alot of the modders need to realize that their mods being here does wonders for them not only in exposure, but also still contributes downloads. I don't know about the rest of the technic community, but after a new minecraft update I keep an eye on the mods that are usually in the pack and while you technic guys are either waiting on a few mods to finish updating/ working your magic on getting them to all play nice together (Thank you for all you guys do) I will usually self install/configure the mods that are updated into a makeshift technic pack to use while waiting for the actual pack to be finished. So I am still downloading the mods from the site. The pack is a way more convenient way for people to install, play and maintain their modded game. Not only that but there is the community around it, everyone has the same base mods with all the same id's which enables easy sharing of their creations for others to download and check out. Add in the community bugfixes/workarounds to help and guide players into fixing game-breaking bugs until they are officially fixed.
TLDR Technic is a great thing for it's players, mods and community and the modders should realize this.