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Everything posted by DividableApples

  1. Hey guys, I've started an Attack of the B-Team server with only 6 slots because if there is a lot of players it kind of ruins the fun. Anyways the server is a fun, friendly and chill server, so I welcome you to join me and have some fun. Rules: 1. No Stealing From Other Players (ask them if you can borrow) 2. No Hacking On The Server (Will be banned) 3. Please Don't Grief Other Players (Will be kicked) 4. Try To Be Active So It Doesn't Make The Server Boring 5. Pranks Are Allowed (Attempting To Kill Them Is Not Allowed) 6. Please Don't Spam! 7. Have Fun, Be Friendly! Application: IRL Name: In-Game Name: Skype: Age: (14-18, no longer accepting people who are above 20 sorry) How Active Will You Be? Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?: How Experience Are You With The Modpack: (Rate: 1-10) What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?:
  2. Come and apply now, I've increase the limit rather than 6 slots I've made it to 12. Some aren't active anymore so I'm basically wanting 14 people to apply.
  3. Everyone who just visited this page and was wanting to apply, I won't accept anymore applications. I have chosen the people who are joining but don't lose hope because if someone stops playing or quits then don't be afraid, maybe next time. Sorry everyone.
  4. It's fine as long as you make an skype account.
  5. Hey guys, I've started an Attack of the B-Team server with only 6 slots because if there is a lot of players it kind of ruins the fun. Anyways the server is a fun, friendly and chill server, so I welcome you to join me and have some fun. Rules: 1. No Stealing From Other Players (ask them if you can borrow) 2. No Hacking On The Server (Will be banned) 3. Please Don't Grief Other Players (Will be kicked) 4. Try To Be Active So It Doesn't Make The Server Boring 5. Pranks Are Allowed (Attempting To Kill Them Is Not Allowed) 6. Please Don't Spam! 7. Have Fun, Be Friendly! Application: IRL Name: In-Game Name: Skype: Age: (14-18, no longer accepting people who are above 20 sorry) Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?: How Experience Are You With The Modpack: (Rate: 1-10) What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?:
  6. Age: 15 Ign: DividableApples Are you a experience Aotbt player?: Well, I don't want to be cooky but i'll say this I'm pretty experience with the modpack. Why do you want to join the server?: I want to play with other players because I'm tired playing the modpack by myself. Skype: mark.macapagal3
  7. IGN: DividableApples Age Bracket: 15-20 TZ: ACST Why this server?: I just want to hang out with other people.
  8. Age: 16 Why you want to join the server: I've always wanted to hang out with new players, I'm tired of playing by myself Skype: mark.macapagal3
  9. In-Game Name: DividableApples Age: 15 Why do you want to play on this server: I've always wanted to play with other players, I'm bored of playing by myself. What DO you like to do (Build, Mine, etc.): Well, I like to go on adventures but building and mining I enjoy those too. What DON’T you like to do: I don't want to treat people like crap. Experience with modpack (1-10): 9.8 What is love: Love can and can't be made on minecraft unless you both live in the same Country/State, then you could start loving her/he. Squirtle or Pikachu: Pikachu
  10. Ign: DividableAples Have you ever ban banned or did you ever greif?: Nope, I'm a friendly guy sometimes like do to pranks but I'm nothing except a chill person.
  11. 1. Ign(Minecraft Username): DividableApples 2. Age: 15 3. Skype (Required): mark.macapagal3 4. Any builds your planning on doing? Nah, I just like to go on adventures and if I ever need to build I just build. 5. What are your favorite mod(s) in AotBT? Favorites mods that I like are Morph Mod, Witchery, Biomes O' Plenty, Tropicraft, Tinkers Construct, Thermal Expansion. 6. How long have you been playing AotBT? I've been playing the modpack 2 weeks after it was released. 7. Anything else I need to know? Nope.
  12. Name: Mark Age: 15 In-Game name: DividableApples How much do you know about the Modpack: Lately been playing solo so I know the basics. Why should i pick you: I've always wanted to play with other people and see how I go. Are you a Adventure/Builder/Crafter: Adventure but I still do the other 2.
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