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Everything posted by WauloK

  1. Damn. So we need a non-shared service.
  2. The reason I was asking is the server cpu seems to jump around 64% 140% 36% 120% 89% 34% 160% 56%. We get block lag as well. We only have 3 accounts logged in at the moment and wanted to turn off the Whitelist to allow others to join but it seems the CPU is not fast enough (running CentOS). Do you recommend we upgrade to a faster CPU? Here's our commandline. I found a forum with recommended parameters: -Xms3072m -Xmx3072m -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:PermSize=256M -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true CPUInfo actually shows: model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4820K CPU @ 3.70GHz
  3. Howdy! I thought I might check what is the recommended server specs for AOTBT? I see a lot of topics about client specs, but not server. This is the VPS I am running AOTBT on: Number of CPU Cores @ min. 1.8 Ghz minimum 8 Memory 4 GB Storage 80 GB @ No IOPS max Additional / Backup Storage 40 GB Internet Transit Traffic Quota / Month 20 Mbps of Network Bandwidth Cheers
  4. Sure. We had one more OOM error but since there's no logs it's hard to track.
  5. One of our admins has placed a bunch of poppet shelves and it seems to be working now. Not sure what went on as there's no logs but thanks for all the help.
  6. I'll see if I can get that tomorrow night. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the issue with the server outright killing all Java processes, Minecraft does not have the chance to write a log file. Once it's out of memory it's killed.
  7. Yup. Removed the puppet shelf and it has remained stable the last 24 hours.
  8. Howdy, all! As we've recently switched to the Attack of the B-Team modpack, we've discussed and demo'ed it on our last couple of episodes of our podcast. I hope you enjoy it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?fv=RjbGAc7mMm8
  9. I can have a look underground, but we used F9 to display the chunk and the only thing we put on the surface near it were saplings to see if they'd grow while we are offline to test the chunk loading abilities of the shelf. The server was running without crashing for a week before we tested installing a shelf.
  10. Hi. We're running the latest available Attack server. We just decided to test a Poppet Shelf to see if it'd be good for keeping chunks loaded. The server has been stable for a week (which is how long it's existed) but now with a Poppet Shelf it is suddenly running out of RAM. The server detects an Out of Memory problem and kills JAVA on the server. Out of memory: Kill process 24649 (java) score 214 or sacrifice child Killed process 24649, UID 502, (java) total-vm:6312012kB, anon-rss:552788kB, file-rss:200kB Does this happen to anyone else? We have 4Gb running on a CentOS VPS. Cheers.
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