In game name: MrSquidon
Age: 24
Timezone: Pacific
About You: Looking to build some cool stuff in Minecraft, taken a big interest in AotBT modpack and wish to really see what I can do with it with the help of some people.
Describe your Minecraft experience: I've been server hoping a bit for a while, been looking for a lasting and respectable server, and know most of the mechanics to this mod pack, I tend to do more leg work than machinery but I want to change that if I get into this server.
Describe your experience with Minecraft servers: I've done allot of server hopping, most of the time I don't like the servers ethics or found the community lacking. Sometimes the servers close and that's it, I'm hoping this server will be different.
Have you ever been banned? This is not necessarily a deal-breaker, but please explain what happened: Never, not once.
What attracted you to this particular server?: Not allot really, but being a close knit community, I'm hoping there will be some hijinks and community projects of such.
Anything Else? Optional.Is there anything you'd like to ask us or you'd like to share? Is there anything important for the staff to know?: No.