IGN: KillahBuilda
Reason why you want to join: I've been looking for a server like this for a long time it's really hard to find mature and close knit communitys on mc
Experience with MC and AotBT: been playing MC fr about 2 years or more and AotBT for a week but have played with all the same mods in this pack A LOT
What are you planning on doing: well I like having fun with others and I also love all the mods so I would honestly be doing a little of everything
Minecraft username:KillahBuilda
Where you found this server? Google
Why you want to be on this sever? to play bteam with a better community the server i was playing on rolls back too much
What are you planning on doing on the server? a litlle bit of everything i havent really had time to exsplore the whole pack :/ unfortunatly
Your favourite colour? RED
Skype: Yes
How often do you play?:everyday
Favorite Game:dont have a favorite i play to many games to have a favorite lol
Favorite Anime:not sure
Other Games you Play:alot of games bf4,simcity,minecraft,heros&generals,and sooooo many more
Ingame name:KillahBuilda
How long you have played mc/b-team:about 3 years.
How often you play mc/b-team:everyday
Other information:i would love to join this server im trying to find a tight nit community to join and get involved in also dose this server have any greif protection of a way of at least baning ppl that do greif im just asking bc i dont want to spend alot of time getting into it and then someone destroy it also dose ther server have a TeamSpeak or anyhting?