I was running a bukkit server almost from the start but had a break of a few months,
now Tekkit brought me back and hooked me up again.
But meanwhile there are really a whole lot of plugins for Bukkit, I somehow lost the overview of what´s really usefull...
I just wanted to ask which plugins the tekkit server admins here prefer or even consider somehow essential.
On my "still kind of creative" server i got these so far:
Essentials link...
Lots of usefull commands/functions like teleporting + an easy to use command whitelist for ops
Working version: Essentials 2.8.2
PermissionsBukkit link...
Though i´m still not using it, atm essentials perm. config is sufficient.
Gonna set this up for an upcoming public survival map to declare more than just 2 player groups.
Voxel Sniper link...
I favour this ingame world editor over world edit, just cause i´m used to it from previous servers...
Voxel Air link...
Since creative mode is buggy in Tekkit by now,Voxel Air provides another way to fly or move fast.
Dynmap link...
Realtime worldmap generator
More info on dynmap for tekkit: http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,2451.0.html
LWC link...
Light weight protection for chests,signs etc.
Wormhole X-Treme link...
Teleporting a little more authentic...
TerrainControl link...
(Still on standard settings here, but it provides a lot of variables to control the world generator.)
Not working properly!See Leroy´s post below...
Thanks in advance for any usefull and/or funny plugin suggestions!