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Everything posted by margelmo

  1. IT'S WORKING OMFG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE HELP!!!!!! Really, I'm sorry for probably annoying you ahahaha but thank you sooooo much
  2. I did everything you said to do and now it's loading then going black then back to the launcher >_< I can't do this I have no idea why this is happening... Is there anyone you can tell me about who'd be willing to make me a modpack?? This is so annoying why it won't work
  3. https://copy.com/VpLG9WRZBfMCGH2B - This one? http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/jbl-adjvl-ewbew - or this one?
  4. My first post was just deleted before I could ask for more help :/ Anyway I have forge as 1.7.10 and all the mods I use are 1.7.10 but it just loads vanilla >-< Please help, I don't understand all the tech stuff so don't just say 'you gotta do *this* and *that* and *space age speak*' Please explain it in simple english, or even if you could/know how to fix it, fix it for me :c I don't like using other modpacks because they are always full of mods I don't use/want/need and it just slows my computer down
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