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Everything posted by zagrom

  1. Thank you Thelyfe21, I have been making less then I planned to cause I have been busy or distracted with other things lately. I will try and get back on it soon =D
  2. Well ya, I knew it was pointless, I just never really seen a forum care, nice fun fact tho haha
  3. I could provide something Im sure as far basic decent looking logos and sorta simple cover/closure panels. Im in the process of bumping up the quality on my channel as well. I also have some skill with editing as well should that be required. I use premier cs5.5 and have presets already made up for 720 and 1080p video ready for youtube. If your pressed for music, I suggest you go grab a track or 2 from newgrounds until your decently known and people will be more excited to help you. If your curious as to why I'm eager to help, Im looking for places to outsource myself and spread knowledge of my own channel, one way to do that with out being a beggar is by linking up with other potential youtube talent. Like I say I dont have a HUGE amount to offer art-wise, but I can manage to make something that looks decent given I have a general idea what is needed, Im more of graphic design rather then artist, thats to say take an image, crop out bits I need, make a texture, design a background out of shapes and layers and then tada, something decent, not draw on paper or tablet and make custom sprites of your in game characters, if thats spicifcily what your looking for I might be able to but the quality would be sparatic between one thing to another and its not what I a really good at. also, What Munaus was saying, they dont like you signing your name on these forums, if you ask why Im not really specifically sure myself, but they say not to in the rules somewhere.
  4. Whats this group called? And how much are you expecting out of the art? Or any specific style? Im not saying Im that good, but I can do a bit.
  5. Just a bit of update news on both the elevator and bore. Elevator has had some minor design changes that has once again shrunk its size a bit. Also another staff member has designed a CC elevator that I may release. Both of these will get a short video sometime in the future. Those of you still waiting for the bore video, I was planning to do it soon (Its changed designs at least 2 times sense I said id record) but dev is planning to work on yet another new design soon, Ill probably record showoff videos of both but will make a tutorial of whichever people are more interested in at the will be pretty different from each other. Thanks to everyone who has been watching these videos and learning from them. Heres a video response someone sent in to me where he had recreated our elevator design. Show him a little love for taking the time to make a video, I think he did a pretty fine job.
  6. My newest tekkit toys video, something thats been done Im sure, but we have had this going for some time and it high time I actually record it. A simple build, but so much power =D Just a simple setup to get lava from then nether, back home, and making power with RP2. Really its not that hard but Im sure its news to some. Next one I will probably do is the bore, which I have been promising for some time now but just haven't had time and motivation to do cause I know people are gonna want a tutorial for it too.
  7. Site is currently in limbo as we are changing to a better host, you can still get on HERE, this is the real sit and real host, its just that its not yet properly linked to zagrom.info again yet, thanks for understanding and continue to feel free to keep requesting whitelisting. Again, currently go to http://appelart.com/Zagrom/index.php rather then zagrom.info for now, thanks.
  8. Original post UPDATED: Added new info, a video and image and updated thread title to new format. Keep the whitelist apps coming, and thanks to all that have been looking
  9. Server Updated to 3.1.2 Rules Updated Video in the next few days Please post applications on our forums. (And to both previous posters, we have the EE patch on that logs the tools)
  10. Page re-updated with more info. A server show off video will be made soon.
  11. Sorry for not really replying, been pretty focused on the server lately, sorta prepping for the new era. I may look into the self building elevator some more. That could be neat. Theres no reason why not, so long as you change the wiring to do so. If I understand right the only real difference would be to switch out the emergency button to cycle the up wire rather then the down.
  12. Dedicated IP Look forward to seeing more apps (Tho they never really stopped) Thanks for the support everyone that has been playing with us. We hope to continue growing as we have been.
  13. Hey aaron, sorry, we have had a few problems with permissions. We plan to update them soon which will hopefully fix all these issues. But for now you should be fix up and good to go.
  14. Server is growing quite nicely now, still welcoming more players every day
  15. Fixed, I cant know everything after all >.> (Tho checking the profile could help...)
  16. That is in-fact the plan. Tey wont all be BID builds like this elevator. Ie. I posted this the other day if you hadn't yet seen. The Thread I'm Referring To
  17. Cool, glad there good enough for you. I hope you can learn from them =D
  18. Thank you my good man person =D
  19. This was about the best I could to and keep enough quality there still pretty big tho.. Episode One (207mb) Episode Two (308mb) Uploaded
  20. Hey everyone. Today Im showing of a vote counter I designed. Mad it at first cause I didnt like any of the voteing plugins as I went on Im made it better cause I like the idea of a physical opll people can walk up to and interact with. I personally havnt seen one of these tho Im not saying it hasnt been done. Anywho, the video: As with my elevator, if people show interest Ill make a tutorial.
  21. Dont worry friend. I try to please so Im making a downloadable versions of this while trying to keep as much quality as I can. We'll see what I can do.
  22. Like just a download of the video? If so Id have to re-encode it cause its pretty big like 1.5 gigs at least
  23. Haha, well I hope my explanations were of some help.
  24. No, Im sorry If I misled in the video. I recall I stopped to try and explain that bit but its such a big build its hard to properly explain everything. You might have gotten confused cause I was talking about how you need panels on one side of the button so that it will pull the button with the frames. That said, the button itself has to be on a true block. In the video you should be able to see that there aren't lines around the edges of the blocks that the button is on like the other panels that were placed. Again sorry if I made things confusing.
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