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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Yeah, I'm afraid reminding them won't help get whitelisted. It just makes the process take longer because they have to sift through the backlog. That being said, I created my own server with the newest mods and no block ID problems or permission conflicts. But I really miss Tekkitia. It's just not the same without all you guys. I can't wait to get back to all the antics.
  2. It's been piling up for a while now Tristandude. Without a server to whitelist people into, there isn't much that can be done, wouldn't you say? ^^;
  3. Nope, no one really knows when Be is coming back. I don't even believe Be himself knows.
  4. Actually Conner, don't worry, I was gone yesterday too :/
  5. Yeah, I was there when it happened. It acted like a DDoD attack. The server lagged to a halt. Part of the whole problem with this... is that we don't think Ren has access to the server in the first place. It's more details that I don't think I can give, but things happened. Things only Be can really fix.
  6. No WONDER I've seen you online so much Taker :p
  7. It's lucky this happened now, rather than a few days ago. There weren't many people on lately because everyone was so busy. Just the few regulars mostly.
  8. I know Aragnum, me too. Hopefully we can start working on it sooner rather than later, but we'll see. The OPs are all paying for us to do this for free, so there is no way we can complain. I feel more sorry for them than anyone else.
  9. Yeah Minemannx The server is having... issues. I don't know if they'll be able to get it back up or not. At least not until Be comes back maybe. The best thing to do is probably just to check back every half day or so and see if it's up. Guys, do NOT bug the OPs or Be about this, or whitelisting. They completely understand these issues and are doing their best. You're just going to have to be patient, but I promise you, if the server comes back, it will be worth the wait. Meantime, I'd suggest using Technic or something and playing around with mod-builds. That way you have something cool to show off once the server comes back. I know it's hard, but we can do this much at least :)
  10. InGameName: Nicktendo About me: Long time Minecraft player. Always eager for new mods and ideas. I keep up with many youtube Minecraft players; Yogscast, Direwolf20, CaptainSparklez etc. I'm familiar with everything in Tekkit/Technic except for some Frames/Computer Craft stuff. Location: Central USA. Why Tekkitia?: I'm at the point where I would love to start major builds over a long period of time. I have had enough fun with basic worlds and constantly reset just to make things look better. Then I got the idea that if I joined a server, I could force myself to stick to whatever I build. Plus I'd get the benefit of not taxing my own PC too much, and enjoy the community of a medium to smaller server. I googled that, and found your server! Sounds perfect for my desires and I'd love to join. Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Absolutely. I'll probably be the one you'd have to worry about that the least. ^_^
  11. I'm with it too. This really feels like a self contained Texture pack for a new feel. I can't wait to try it out.
  12. Re: "Minecraft Enhanced" Addon for Technic - The Good News And The Bad News I'd give it a try if I had a computer capable of running 256x textures. Integrated graphics can only do so much. *stares at his GTX 275 he still doesn't have a PSU for*
  13. Re: "Minecraft Enhanced" Addon for Technic - The Good News And The Bad News Had any luck yet?
  14. Re: "Minecraft Enhanced" Addon for Technic - The Good News And The Bad News Looks really nice. I think I'd get confused with all the ores looking pretty much the same except for color, but who knows, maybe I'd get used to it. I don't know exactly what the problem is for sure, but I've experience the same thing even with 64x, 128x, and 32x Texture packs. I think you are right that the problem lies in the 16x textures having to be combined by optifine. And I'm not really sure we can blame Optifine here either, it's a sure thing that textures were never supposed to be combined in the first place. Having a GPU render out two different type of textures has got to be jarring. Some kind of voodoo magic is at work that even allows it in the first place. It'd be a lot of work, but I think it would be best for you just to upscale everything with a batch program and see if it helps, unless someone else has a better idea of what's going on.
  15. Well, I think mainly the items I don't like are just all of them in general. They feel like they belong in a 90's freeware game, kind of simple and flat. The colors are pale and single-toned except for the occasional shadow you use. And things like the paints for example are a pile that come to a tip instead of the more natural looking rounded pile. And the seeds you wouldn't want to be so equally spaced because it looks so odd instead of a closer together pile jammed together or a single seed to represent the whole. Believe me, I'm not an artist at all, you already are able to make things leaps and bounds above the things I can create, so I'm not saying it's bad or anything. Just giving my personal opinion on these things. (Sorry, I was gone for the weekend which is why I didn't reply till now)
  16. I love the idea. The Clean blocks, Hexagons everywhere, undershadows to add the illusion of depth. That's all good. The Blocks I Love. The Items, not so much. And the colors all seem so washed out, They are all bland and not vibrant. Still, I'm interested to see where this ends up. Keep it up!
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