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Everything posted by UnstopableWalrus

  1. works fine, thank you so much man you're the best
  2. yeah thats what is crashing seems to be a problem with open mods core i dont know what it means, can it njust not create the config?
  3. removed java legacy fixer and updated open mods, still seems to give the transformer error new crash log
  4. i updated it it still seems to give me the same error
  5. hey i seem to be having a problem with openblocks when trying to run it on the server. http://pastebin.com/Ng7iSkVr
  6. just did, now there appear to be mods with broken recipes in the crash log so i enable overrideBrokenRecipes on hardcore ender expansion and im going to see if it works oh thank god, i loaded up a world and everything seems to be working, will update if anything goes wrong
  7. Not sure if this is okay the crash log looks like it might have something to do with malisis core
  8. Still seams to be crashing at initializing mods phase
  9. Ok well now technic wont download my pack at all says it can't download from the link im giving even though ive copied an pasted it into the browser and it has started downloading the zip immediately
  10. you're right, i had the wrong journey map .JAR
  11. Will do, im currently in class but i will try it when i get home around 12:30
  12. my modpack crashes upon reaching initializing mods my modpack
  13. little bit of troubl ehsooting on my part thank you very much for the help
  14. alright it said i was missing fox lib, so i am remaking the mod pack and hoping it works still have the same problem even though i think i cleared everything that wasn't 1.7.10
  15. trying to get my modpack working, it downloads fine but whenever i try to start it it just closes and reopens the technic client, This is my first time making a modpack so any help would be appreciated Here is my modpack
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