Go HERE! Or type in OmiTech: Magical Dabblings into the modpack search on your technic launcher to install the pack.
Dont forget to leave a like for our Modpack HERE!
| WELCOME TO THE OMNIKRAFT COMMUNITY || Were more than just a server, were a community! |+
To be a member of OmniKraft, means youre part of something that is larger than all of us! What makes us stand out from other Minecraft servers is that we define ourselves by the impact we make on those who join. We recognize that its you, the player that matters most, not the server itself. You are joining a family, one that welcomes everyone when they log in, one that asks how youre doing, and one that helps if youre having a bad day.The staff of OmniKraft may be few, but were the nicest youll find on any server. The owners, Kryptix_25 MrPeppah dont tolerate abusive, childish and immature staff. We pride ourselves on how friendly we are, and how much we care about every member of the community. If there are ever any issues, well act swiftly and wisely, to ensure its resolved as best as we can.We know that our members are responsible for helping us grow, and keeping us here with their donations. We ensure the best possible experience for all, and wont tolerate anything that diminishes that. With weekly polls, and an open and supportive forum environment, we make sure that all with ideas are heard equally and that no form of bullying happens.If you are interested in joining community, apply HERE!
Server IP: Mod.OmniKraft.net:25565
| What is OmniKraft and Why Are We Special? |
OmniKraft is first and foremost a community built around Minecraft. We focus on offering a small server feel for our members where everyone knows each other, where we greet you when you log in and we want to get to know you and be a friend. What makes us different from other SMP (survival multi-player) servers or Minecraft servers in general is that we are fully transparent on how the servers and community are managed, and that we evaluate opinions and suggestions offered by the community.
For us to be transparent means that almost every decision that is made that effects the community is announced publicly, we deliver monthly financial reports discussing where all our donation money goes and we discuss potential plans for the future with all members. We offer several ways for our members to discuss opinions and suggestions, such as our forums, social media and private discussions as necessary. We realize that our members are our greatest strength, and we want to make it as easy and safe as possible to allow for new ideas and feedback to be brought into a discussion so the community as a whole can decided what is the best ideas. While not all ideas can be used, it allows the owners insight into what direction is the best for growth for OmniKraft.
To be member focused, that means our member's needs are always above anything the community does, and that it makes as much of a positive outreach as possible. Our staff are not just moderators and admins, but we are friends and family. If one of our members is having a bad day, we do what we can to cheer them up, or offer an ear to listen, it all depends on what that member needs. We ensure any new features are as balanced as possible, so that no one feels cheated or singled out. We also ensure that even with perks offered through donations don't provide any edge to gameplay, we refuse to be a pay-to-win server or put our donors into a position where those who can't donate don't feel like they aren't as good.
| Current Mods In The ModPack |
Minecraft Coder Pack
Forge Mod Loader
Minecraft Forge
Applied Energistics2 Core
CodeChicken Core
MicDoodle8 Core
Not Enough Items
Player API
Thaumic Tinker Core
CoFH Core
Advanced Genetics
Applied Energistics 2
Thermal Foundation
Thermal Expansion
Big Reactors
Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry
Carpenter's Blocks
The Twilight Forest
Forge Multipart
Chisel 2
Draconic Evolution
MineFactory Reloaded
Galacticraft Core
Ender IO
Extra Cells 2
Extra Utilities
Fast Craft
Galacticraft Planets
Inventory Tweaks
Iron Chest
Mantle Mekanism Generators
Project Red
TInkers Construct
Mine Factory Reloaded
MrCrayFish's Furniture Mod
Nether Ores
Pam's HarvestCraft
Random Things
Redstone Arsenal
Simply Jetpacks
Soul Shards Reborn
Thaumic Energistics
Thaumic Tinkerer
Thermal Dynamics
TiC Tooltips
Traveller's Gear
Waila Harvestability
WAILA Plugins
Where Are We Looks AT
Forge Microblocks
+|COMMUNITY RESOURCES |+Blog: blog.omnikraft.netSteam: steamcommunity.comgroupsomnikraftTeamspeak: ts.omnikraft.netTwitter: @OmniKraftYouTube: youtube.comomninationmc
| Please Do Not Post Applications Here. They Will Not Be Accepted. |
| Apply HERE! |