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About TheGamingVeenix7

  • Birthday December 15

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Oregon, USA
  • Interests
    Gaming, Making Modpacks, Youtubing, Playing Piano and Guitar
  • Minecraft In-Game Name

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    Raiden Cunningham
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  1. I cant delete either mine or someone elses
  2. Hey so I need help for my modpack, I have some comments I want to delete that are outdated but when I click the delete comment option it doesn't do anything, won't delete idk how to fix this or if it's a bug, so I need help. Also sorry if this isn't the right place to ask.
  3. Help I made a modpack and It wont let me access my inventory I don't know why and wish someone could help me Here is my modpack if you need it: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/ultimate-explorations.1030159
  4. thank you hope this helps
  5. Help i am trying to make a server for my new mod pack but it keeps crashing and i don't know why... Here is a paste bin link: https://pastebin.com/34vreXnU
  6. Hi, I'm having problems with using morph and starminer mod together causing my game to crash. What happens is when you first start a world and kill a mob when you try to morph it will crash then after that trying to go in the world at all will crash it. I looked at the crash report but all I know is which mod is causing it but not how to fix it, that's why I need someone on here to help me with this. I will add a pastebin link for the crash report, Thanks http://pastebin.com/4RfdniFp
  7. thanks for the replies there were three mods that were causing it to crash and they were dynamic lights, custom lan, and MicraftDonalds... thanks
  8. Hi i'm having problems starting my server it will load up just fine but after a little bit before it is fully done loading it will crash and I don't know if its a mod crashing it or something else if you have the time and know how to fix this it would be greatly appreciated if you can help, thanks! Here is a pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/KRhFqCi5
  9. Thanks it worked sorry it took so long i tried this back when you told me but never replied sorry but thanks!
  10. I took out all the client side mods at least i believe but i'm still getting crash reports. http://pastebin.com/txa5NV2r
  11. They are over a year old from when i first made the modpack but thanks for letting me know theres a client only mod
  12. Would you suggust any websites that dont have this problom that i can use?
  13. I have made a modpack called The Ultimate Adventures Pack but I keep getting messages from people saying they cant download my pack but the link is copied and everything until i found out about some traffic thing and it keeps hapening here is what it says on dropbox... Bandwidth usage We've banned your shared and Public folder links due to bandwidth limits or abuse. Learn moreTo help avoid bandwidth bans in the future, you should remove any links that you suspect are accessed and downloaded most frequently or are large in size. You can also upgrade your Dropbox for a larger bandwidth limit. If anyone knows how to fix this so it never happens or if there is another website besides dropbox that i can use so i never get this problem please let me know thanks!
  14. I recently made a modpack Called the Ultimate adventures pack but when i tried to use my server it doesnt work and i wanted to know if anyone knew how to fix it so i have a crash report and some log files incase from the server here, and the website to the pack : http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/the-ultimate-adventures-pack.744242 http://pastebin.com/LPfnTQHS =crash report http://pastebin.com/VZv5xaSD =fml server latest http://pastebin.com/6cixuwRJ =latest
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