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Lord Fallen

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. minecraft name 0ptigreen (zero ptigreen). age 18. how long you are playing tekkit, and what your qaulities are in tekkit I played it for about a year before I quit because it seemed like no one was playing it. So it has been a long time since I have fooled around with tekkit. My qaulities would mainly be in building I assume, heh. why you want to join this server I want to join the server to hopefully build a few things, and test out what has changed in tekkit. Also to make a couple of friends to build with.
  2. As soon as I click play, it will launch, then return me back to the main screen. Things in red: [B#328] SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". [B#328] SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation [B#328] SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
  3. Name: Alex. Age: 18. IGN: 0ptigreen (zero ptigreen). Why you want to join: I want a server to build on, and experience the mod on. Favorite Mod: Flans. Skype: None. (Hope this doesn't deny my application.)
  4. In Game Name: 0ptigreen (zero ptigreen). Age: 18. Skype: None. Will you record(if yes channel link please): No.
  5. IGN - 0ptigreen (zero ptigreen). Real Name - Alex. Skype(Op) - No. Age (We accept all ages)- 18. What Mods are you best at? (For your shop) - Flans. Tell me about yourself - I enjoy building the most, which might not work out considering there are wars, but I wont mind as long as all my stuff isn't destroyed. Hehe. Timezone - EST + 1. Maturity Level 1-10 and why (Just to see if your Sane or not lol) - I am afraid you did not explain this scale well enough but I am going to take a guess and say 1 is immature and 10 is mature, so I would say I am close to a 10 as long as I am not on team speak. Anything Else to add(Op) - No.
  6. Minecraft In-Game name? 0ptigreen (zero ptigreen). Age? 18. What country do you live in? Canada. Do you have/use Skype? No. Do you have/use Teamspeak? Yes. Will you be streaming or Uploading to Youtube? No. If so, Channel/Stream Name? No. Do you enjoy building or just playing? Building. Acceptance of server rules? Of course.
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