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Everything posted by evilscoop

  1. anyone going to do anything about this...its a pita tbh
  2. I've just checked and it is now ported So back to op....please add it :)
  3. Ahh good point, I failed to check My bad
  4. latest essentials works fine for me on 3.0.4 What problems are you actually having ?
  5. Any chance of getting this added to tekkit ? http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=5152 On my server a lot of people are enjoying the agriculture of ic2...it'd be nice to see this added thx
  6. Please come checkout http://fusionmc.co.uk We are uk based and v friendly I'm sure someone will gladly buddy up with you :)
  7. Op doesn't always give full perms You can set the dangerous * perm on the fake user or try adding towny.wild.*
  8. Please come check out http://fusionmc.co.uk We are v. Friendly and try to get back to mc basics while using tekkit (we actually mine for stuff) Seldom more that 7 people on..
  9. You star, I was about to do some of this myself :)
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