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Everything posted by superduck

  1. Both added, server ip is server has started new as 0.6.1, so shop and minning world and still a work in progress
  2. I have a server that is what you are looking for

    please email me with game name if interested in [email protected]

  3. I have a server that is what you are looking for

    please email me with game name if interested in [email protected]

  4. I have a server that is what you are looking for

    please email me with game name if interested in [email protected]

  5. I have a server that is what you are looking for

    please email me with game name if interested in [email protected]

  6. not sure if i had ur email or not, but server ip changed


  7. I have a server that just me and my friend use, you guys are welcome to join us
  8. Ill let u be an admin Josh, I just want a solid group of mature minecraft players who have fun and respect. Its a 24/7 running 30 man tekkit lite, central US server
  9. I have a dedicated server if u guys all want to play on? Its small too
  10. Have Dedicated server running 24/7 with many plugins enabled Says it can hold up to 30 people but I would just like a couple deticated players Right now its just been me and a friend playing Interest in haveing some more mature people join who i dont have to worry about griefing I have plugins to prevent this but its something i would not like to use Server is in US central, but me and my friend both are mountain time please email/pm/ or reply in interested [email protected]
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