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Everything posted by okamikk

  1. i do love me some bacon
  2. i have overheard half-whispered rumors about everyone getting technic dunebggies, and i want them NOW! D=<
  3. if you have days to waste it would be best to get sucked into the whirlpool that is this place EDIT: be aware of extremely cynical reviews, better to watch the first episode than listen to those :ccb: fun times
  4. 1. look what terrafirmacraft had to do 2. bash head against desk repeatedly 3. look at vanilla generation 4. bash head again 5. repeat until ready to serve
  5. ... that kind of thinking is what happens when you forget minecraft's vanilla code... not that i'm a modder, but i have compulsively read the whole of the modde's metropolis section of the forums
  6. that profile image terrifies me....
  7. aww..... that's no fun
  8. you do realize terrafirma craft changes EVERYTHING, meaning that every single block what would naturally spawn in minecraft is replaced with a TFCraft block, leaving the old blocks in place... meaning you would have to start over anyway
  9. so.... are we getting free technic dune buggies with every download or what?
  10. try deleting the tekkit folder in your .techniclauncher folder, then download again. why? because i'm pretty sure something downloaded wrong, if the only thing it's loading is modloader
  11. rage from... who exactly? i haven't seen anyone else complaining, but then again, i havent really looked around on this branch of the forums yet...
  12. you mean it wasn't always like that?
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