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Everything posted by okamikk

  1. they have decent sound, but they're fuckin' uncomofortable and made of very cheap plastic.
  2. i think he's just finding the whole experience rather limiting. i mean, the power suit's great and all, but it's nothing compared to the thaumic conundrum generated with a little tinkering.
  3. ... yes definitely yes.
  4. i testify that it is an exellent little brain wrangler.
  5. i got into the beta for it, thanks o an email blunder, and i didn't enjoy it. maybe if i had a specified control rig set up just for it, i might play it, but it's to fiddly to play with a mouse and keyboard.
  6. yeah... I would advise dropping that retarded(Disclaimer: No offence intended towards beings afflicted with mental retardation) attitude you have there. You must remember some things before you start spewing bullshit all over our, relatively, squeaky clean forums. We do not tolerate idiocy of any sort around here, be it as simple as ignoring the rules, to acting like an entitled dickbag(a bag of dicks), to ignoring goodhearted advice given by, relatively, productive members of this here community. So heed my words and listen well; Your actions to this point have given you the squishy baby headness, and should they continue to refuse to utilise your nervous tissue, the moderators will be forced to put you out of your misery and toss you into the abyss of perma-banning, to which you will travel through the bog of temp-banness, if you are lucky.
  7. I have a piece of thread and a button, is that enough for a commission?
  8. in that video, it was the intro to the anime "Shingeki no kyojin", which i've seen being roughly translated to "attack on titan". 's pretty good. you should watch it.
  9. It's not about being a technic lover, it's about at least being able to realise your own bias, which this person does not seem to be able to do.
  10. here ya go
  11. if it had a good auto-balancing system, it could be very hard to tip over. have you seen the mulebot?
  12. nawm he's just a wuss.
  13. what's treeit? i'm quite confused.
  14. I'll get the bodies of not-so-innocents for the pyre!
  15. hey! what have you got against furries?!
  16. well there you go then, even better than i had thought. also 1.6 wasn't out when i posted out, there was only a a prerelease, so i was completely right.
  17. ... fuck you.
  18. 1.6 update is not out yet. When it is, yes.
  19. ... that may be it. thank you for clearing my confusion.
  20. you are a n00b, but you get lobotomised and go on to have a great career in minecraft server administration I wish the world was not boring.
  21. so... why didn't you post a screenshot of it in fullscreen?
  22. the thing that is irritating you may be your desktop background. how can you focus with that thing there?!
  23. I dunno... that site is looking mighty suspicious... Meh, I kid. I don't know, maybe a virus piggybacked a ride on something you downloaded, or maybe you just dropped your flash drive? that is all I can think of.
  24. ... you shouldn't download things from suspicious sites...
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