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Everything posted by okamikk

  1. okamikk


    okay, jussasec is there any way to convert a steam game to steam when you didn't download it from steam?
  2. okamikk


    it has been formed, you sign up by adding me as friend and then me inviting you, whats your IGN?
  3. okamikk


    the game is multiplayer party based, the "waiting for votes" is the system by which you decide which planet/planetoid to conquer next, by clicking on the one you want you vote. the flashing arsenal screen is a bit annoying, click one of the little wrench buttons to make it stop.
  4. okamikk


    glad we all agree.
  5. a simple 1% can make a huge difference, you know.
  6. okamikk


    yeah the pricing is stupid, but what can i say. either you throw money at them, or grind, grind, grind!
  7. that post... it made me shed a small tear of pride...
  8. I would say that we should do something hilarious but illegal, but i won't. Instead, I think we should give MCforums a quick kick in the nuts, a bag over the head and throw it overboard. this way, at least, we can all safely ignore it for the rest of our lives, however short or long they me be. I can safely say that this forum is better by far, and the only way in which it is lacking is the relative lack of content, but this is only because of the relatively short life span of the current iteration of the forums and the hate technic used to get for being an "illegal modpack."
  9. that is a chemical synthesis facillity, last i checked, a reactor does not make the fuel that the rest of the stuff uses to make energy.
  10. those backgrounds are good! also, VELOCIRAPTARS! RAWRSES!
  11. sorry to say but. from my studies, the humans don't seem to have a centralised energy synthesis facillity within their bodies... so... that's a bit of a design flaw with the whole humanoid shtick.
  12. from what i've heard, vista is like the disease and birth-defect ridden twin of 7, so...
  13. what is it in dutch?
  14. those are some very green and... gloopy... eyedrops
  15. that's what i meant, not a massive all-in-one-go collapse, but a gradual congregation of the stars comeing into the black hole, starting with the ones closest moving over several millenia, until they get sucked in and add to the mass of the black hole, increasing t's force and causing stars a bit farther out to start slowing down and getting sucked in. a process like this would last a very long time, but would be faster than a galaxy collapsing on it's own due to entropy, a which is why i said "untimely collapse".
  16. ...Why vista? also, try updating your directX
  17. erm... i'm almost scared to ask, but what is in that spoon?
  18. maybe, if the black hole's mass exceeds a certain point, the stars' around it fall into the hole, activating a chain reaction that is the cause for the untimely collapse of the galaxy?
  19. it's good. not much more to say with it's current state, but so far, it's good.
  20. i repeat my last statement. but i will not constrain myself so this time. you broke the rules, this is neither the corret place for this, netiher is it something that is even allowed to exist on this forum. secondly, fuck you, no. thank you and good bye, don't let the spikes on the door penetrate you on the way out. in short: and
  21. er... how about no?
  22. you may need to ask jorcer, our resident viking hacker, to pillage the duck towns and rape their women. however, this could ofcourse lead to the creation of a super breed of viking ducks, and that could just about mean the end of the world, if, that is, adlersch hadn't figured out a way to modify his brain penetration device to work on ducks, thanks to this breakthrough we can invade the mind of the duck overlord and make him stop the viking duck invasion.
  23. oooh.. fuckin' burn
  24. you put "investor", not "infestor"...
  25. well... they're really kinda hot, and not cool at all. it comes with theoretically infinite density an' all. being extremely hot...
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