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Everything posted by okamikk

  1. it is the final update to tekkit lite period, the new tekkit is for 1.5.x+, just please get over it. tekit lite and classic are there for archival purposes only, and will not be updated.
  2. actually yes, many people have.
  3. there is nothing to bet, if you're almost certainly right. unless a stupid evolution happens( such as humans losing their fur).
  4. the only reason i can think of for something liken that to be happening, is that your graphics card is seriously fucked up
  5. or canines
  6. woo! another member in the party!
  7. and being a mechanical humanoid and an anthropomorphic wolf would not?
  8. i may join you on this endevaour... but we may need some costumes so they don't start worshipping us...
  9. chunky peanut butter al the way. unless you have apricot jam, then smooth is the better option for consistency of spreading.
  10. you don't worry. you blow them up.
  11. how did you evolve into a robot girl.

    1. M-C


      Watch a lot of Xenosaga.

  12. M-C should be banned because evolution from a crappily drawn creeper to a cute robot girl is not possible within the laws of physics, and therefore banning is necessary topreserve the delicate fabric of space-time
  13. add an ion drive to a small module at the very top, maybe. ;P
  14. that means you're doing good work! keep it up! but wait... I thought sct didn't distribute the luncher anymore... does this means that this person is a hacker that went into sct's personal files and stole the luncher for himself?!
  15. may the world know that you are okamikk approved!

  16. or, y'know, the polycosmic theory, A.K.A the trouserlegs of time theory?
  17. how do sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide make a joke?
  18. there's not many new topics in off-topic, mostly 'cause kitty jail soaks up all topics all the time
  19. a bit late to the party there, mate...
  20. i don't know about blue big-headed alines or squishyy pink baby heads(well... maybe a little about the latter), but i don't think two males of any known or unkown species are able to reproduce, as would be implied by the "male" designation, especially between species...
  21. that just means we're all moving to canada to get cheap drunk and do <redacted> to him!
  22. there is a button outside the section to post a bug report... i think you may need to get your reading comprehension skill checked out by an expert...
  23. ... do you enjoy the sense of satisfaction you get from crushing us mortals with your 1337 skills? seriusly though, one fo the best implementations of the popart style i've seen in a long time, and an overall great piece of art.
  24. ok, sometime in two years time
  25. aaah, i forgot about that... if you see a shadow dollowing you around, it is most definately not me...
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