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Everything posted by okamikk

  1. Is it just me, or is the OP completely incomprehensible? it looks to me like a handfull of words jumbled into an incoherent mess.
  2. what's the fun in that?
  3. i would go into the future, get a load of genetic manipulation equipment and learn to use it, then go back in time and use it on myself and make myself the most genetically advanced being possible
  4. i didn't know mechanical life-forms could produce living offspring
  5. moral of this story: follow your own advise, don't get offended by the internet, do research before you try to push your opinions onto someone and, perhaps most importantly, don't excpect others to play by your rules on the internet.
  6. i would go back in time and prevent the primitive homo sapiens from discovering the uses of fire, instead forcing them evolve in such a manner that they co-exist with the earth and don't destroy it
  7. Ideally, mo'creatures should contain textures for all the mobs, so that the new style fits in
  8. if there are males...
  9. says the one with no face, therefore banning should be administered
  10. phantomsight is banned for chicken, everybody knows chicken must die
  11. have you perhaps considered your computer has not enough processing power to run modded minecraft with a texture pack? also, don't fear the code tags.
  12. wouldn't you want your massfab to run as long as you have enough power, since scrap isn't ~needed~ to produce UU matter?
  13. no, no it doesn't. ocelots are extremely claustrophobic in minecraft.
  14. for the people? psh! i do do shit for anybody but me!
  15. I only know how to speak in monotone, and i didn't even know i was doing it until i met with a speech and language therapist.
  16. except that the monotone is not on purpose, and i am incapable of speaking otherwise...
  17. i'm the kind of person that people scream when they see me in bad lighting, and i do the stare thing... and i have long curly hair which is an automatic wierdo mark... and i also speak in monotone!
  18. I've had my violently psychotic episodes in the past, overall i think i'd classify as evil.
  19. just make a spoutcraft launcher fork
  20. i guess you could use buildcraft gates...
  21. well, someone has been stealing everyone's sarcasm'o'metres while they slept...
  22. i'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic...
  23. could you do me then? anthropomorphic wolf with a jester's hat and black sleeveless trenchcoat would be freaking awesome!
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