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Everything posted by okamikk

  1. if there is one thing i can say is this, those paragraphs flowed perfectly. also do what the others said, put your kids on better servers and don't let minecraft become something that raises your kids.
  2. if there ever was a time for sugar coated goodness... it was the day i was born. BRING ON THE LATE WAFFLES

  3. You no longer have a computer I wish I was immune to any form of radiation poisoning
  4. "bit" is extremely vague, so you get covered in snow that reaches the outer edges of our atmosphere i wish for the abillity to ride a bike that has no handlebars well
  5. if that ever happened the world would be fucked
  6. sorry, i have never been to sweden. even if i did i probably wouldn't know either... i don't get out much
  7. the indian food turns out to contain 90% cat vomit i wish that i could ride my bike with no handkebars
  8. all the wishes you have pre-typed have already been made i wish for the perfect fruitcake, that will not be stolen from me by anything/anyone, and will stop all the ninjas, other than me, in this thread
  9. it dosen't work like that, you got to corrupt a wish before you get to wish
  10. shouldn't computers in places like laboratories all be 64-bit? as a rule that is
  11. the world that you percieve is destroyed, in other words, your eyes, ears, tongue and nerve endings all get eaten by an angry squirrel i wish for the pancake
  12. so many people get on your server, it crashes and breaks everything, and you get banned from macdonalds, and a meteor fall into your house, and your hamster dies i wish for for an eye of the beholder
  13. the creepers get super charged by a random teslacoil by the spawner and when it explodes the earth is disintigrated i wish for a banana flavoured apple shaped cactus
  14. 1. agreed 2. you got trolled by the master, he is so good at it he even posted in the thread that he trolled you and you didn't notice 3. we really don't care
  15. didn't you know?!?!!!!?!!111one!?!?! the chem trail got faked by obama's home-grown, mutant magician! my point exactly
  16. :sorryfornecroing: I'm pretty sure the launcher checks the version number assigned to each version(no duh..) against the version number of the the most recent updated verison from a server, and if they match, it goes along it's merry way, if they're different, the launcher downloads and patches it's files from the server.
  17. your donut is stolen by the cult of worshippers of amazing, but ordinary, donuts. it is never seen again i wish for the death of all pineapples
  18. i read through most of your post, and the impression i got was that you were grasping at straws made of solid bullshit me too green
  19. (at the OP)the reason i told you to is that i don't care whever barack obama is indonesian, american, or even fucking martian. and nobody should. also i agree with spartan, we as a species suck, canines are the future.
  20. you have now been banned from the world for hacking i wish for an omlette
  21. i managed to read about 60% of this shit. i don't even know why.Anyway, :fuckoff:
  22. the 3d models gain senience and and start animatiing themselves, then they decide they're bored of 3d so build themselves 4d bodys, they then decide they're bored of the earth and teleport to alpha centuri i wish for the perfect oat and honey flapjack
  23. you are generally confused by computers, yet you are building one yourself? can you please explain yourself?
  24. ad.fly becomes a living entity and dies in a fire, however it does a freddy krueger and now haunts you in your dreams, attempting to murder you all the time i wish my house was 100000000000000000000000000000000000 teraparsecs in diameter, and had all the features of a univers ( galaxies, solar systems, stars, planets e.t.c)
  25. (that's a repeated wish) they are all opensource, but are also shittily written i wish for the ultimate power of everything
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