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Everything posted by okamikk

  1. YAAAAY! we get to seat eachother's houses with the carriages! woox!
  2. perhaps not?
  3. of course! everybody knows caesarium sounds the best! especially with a drop of water.
  4. well now you just dun gave it away! party pooper.
  5. Richs_Yard is banned for being an extreme hypocrite
  6. vitrosly is banned for giving a racoon a laser eye, everybody knows that is the worst idea you've ever had.
  7. okamikk


    okay, will do. i only briefly glanced at the clan options so i'll do that now. EDIT: done, promotins for everybody. now you get to be my faithfull soldiers >=D also, i would invite ned into the clan, but he's a dirty traitor, so feel free to try to throw persuasive PM at him
  8. okamikk


    also about the add game feature, i tried that and it did jack noodle for me, it didn't recognize the game as a steam game.
  9. okamikk


    y'okay, i was gonna ask you if you were the proloap person that added me.
  10. the basic premise isn't all that difficult to explain, though i may be biased because i already know what it is. negative energy isn't so easy to explain because it's an opposite to something that shouldn't be able to have an opposite.
  11. how can you explain a complicated concept without going into the nooks and crannies?!
  12. that explains about nothing, holy, it says something at assumes that you will take it for a fact. how do we even know that this negative energy was produced?
  13. you clearly have no idea what being a golem entails, the only thing that would support his slowing typing is the fact he keeps pressing mutliple keys at once due to his massive fingers
  14. erm.. the profile pick just shows his head, he's actually a giant obsidian golem...
  15. thinking about it, yeah that it a bad example. how about the (supposed) fact that we're made of tiny little strings?
  16. the only way to have negative energy is for the laws of physichs as we know them to be rewritten, i think, so yeah. and the logic thing doesn't work because antimatter exists
  17. and then i'll burst out of the closet and start throwing splinters at everybody present =D
  18. i just had an idea, what if we were to send a huge amount of relatively stable exotic matter into a black hole and then start shooting photons into the black hole to investigate the potential space-time fold, also known as a wormhole?
  19. is that supposed to be a faintly veiled statement about my supposed latent homosexuality?
  20. hmm... what to do, what to do... incite azanor into pissing off jakj to the point of frothing rage, or not do anything at all... choices, choices.
  21. how about... "soul amputation: the mod"?
  22. give us a link! why? beacuse :effort:
  23. that'd just bring the fire ant plague, silly. then he'd have to dip his computer into the lkae underneath antarctica to get rid of them.
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