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Everything posted by okamikk

  1. maybe we now get to be aliens, and get to start on a different planet that has no atmosphere and have thus adapted to survive without it?!?!
  2. i dunno about pragmatism, but i'm just extremely introverted.
  3. that means that this post is a piece of shit that shouldn't exist and is simply wasting time and kaker's virtual paper. in conclusion you should feel bad about your life if you think that you are capable of helping anyone with that attitude of yours. *brofist*
  4. ... you do realize that i've never tried to be different, i simply put no effort towards acting similar to others...
  5. i fall under the madman category o.o
  6. don't forget the gasoline!
  7. there is also a magical teeshirt that is always too small, no matter your size...
  8. Why do people not read the whole thread before posting their ground-breaking solutions?!
  9. what you must remember, my antlered friend, is that soon is extremely relative.
  10. maybe it will be a dimension based modpack? since it seems to be the galactic universal alphabet, and the whole thing seems to be relating to magic... maybe a new mod that will allow you to travel between planets using some sort of magic is coming out, and the technic team got contacted about it and thinks it's cool so they're making a modpack around it?
  11. dude... i can turn into a black hole, all they would do is further feed my power! due to gene splicing, your body is extremely unstable and falls apart four minutes after your birth i wish for a very sharp and pointy stick.
  12. i did read it, my brain just didn't even try to work yet though. thanks for pointing out my mistake.
  13. erm... are you, perhaps, legally blind? there is no overlap whatsoever between any of the constellations... EDIT: herpa derp. don't mind me, this post was made just after sleeping for twelve hours so i wasn't thinking yet.
  14. planet =.= you should kee the stuff that happens in the corruptions consistent with the person who's wish is getting corrupted personalities =.= you learn to corrupt wishes better, but you accidentally corrupt your own wish of having better corruption powers so it all gets nullified. i wish for a very large group of enemies to apear around me.
  15. you get a higher score in your breathing and existing exams. i wish i could control my newfound black hole transforming powers.
  16. oooh. that explains much.
  17. now i just need to find out what hsegeeh means... well, that or people have confused me. originally i thought it was a form of stylized hieroglyphs, but then the universal alphabet came up and things and moo.
  18. congratulations! you have just been born! I wish i knew how I managed to steal a black hole...
  19. i would do all the things and everybody would be walking around naked without noticing their clothes disapeared along with all of their valuables. that and i would utillise it to enhance my mobillity to the utmost degree. dexterity is fun.
  20. okamikk

    Tekkit warfare

    tekkit has no "theme" as such, it's just a collection of awesome mods that work well together
  21. you get a wish to which but you cannot wish the wish because you already wished your wish away to get your current wish. I wish for a Magic ShortSword of Dexterity+99, and the ability to use it effectively, in real life.
  22. Chapter One Once there was a magical horse who lived with a fish. His name was Reaver McHasselhoffen. His fishy roommate went by the name of Grumpy Basselton.They both liked butts. They loved their butts so much that one of them decided never to sit on it again! So, they swapped out their cars for segways, and used those to get around. Now there was a kid named Billy the bully, and he did not like the fact they used segways. His hate for segways came from a childhood accident involving a giant marshmallow and a Segway he got for his 5th birthday, which was too hilariousgruesome to be explained in detail.So on their way to a brothel on their segways billy set up a devious plan. He mad a hole two men deep and covered it with leaves on the sidewalk where he knew they would go. He got bored and fell asleep. When he woke up, he forgot about the trap and fell into it. He died later that day of dysentery. The distinct smell of dysentery-induced death violated their nostrils and they couldn't help but retch down the deadly well as they looked down into it. Chapter Two Once upon a land hippo called Jesse Unoflop, there was a spider.It lived in a rather large pineapple. The pineapple was not under the sea, but was in fact on the continent of Australia, which is a continent on the land hippo called Jesse Unoflop. Sadly, Jesse died a couple of thousand years ago, due to being a land hippo and the sea being poisonous to him. Unoflop did not like the spider, so he hatched an evil plot! Sadly, Unoflop died before he could execute his plot, and it was left abandoned somewhere in Australia. The spider lived out the rest of his days in Australia, lamenting his lonely life and the fact nothing in Chapter Two of the book he was reading made sense. I wonder if anyone will notice that I inserted an extra sentence here. So instead, the spider threw the book into the fireplace, took a bottle of pineapple wine from the cupboard and watched a show on the divinghelmet tv. Chapter Three The shapeshifters alliance then realised what a pain in the ass chickens are and decided to eat them all. However, the princess of shapeshifters didn't get the memo, and shapeshifted into a chicken just as a chicken-eater mob came round the corner. The chicken eating mob then chased the princess for three days in a constant circle all the while the princess yelled: "Stop! I'm really just a fish!" Just as the chicken eaters caught the princess, they all fell over from intense dizziness caused by running around in a circle for three days, squashing the poor princess into goo and angering the almighty poultry god. "clucKC CLckU cllCKU" said the poultry god, which translates into "666 to ya'll motherfuckers down there thinkin you can mess with my homeboys." Upon saying this, the poultry god hoisted its mighty prosterior over the realm of the shape-shifters and unleashed a blinding storm of shit on them. Then the magical unicorn sorcerer of Ace Hobo s came and blasted the poultry god with cake. The cake being what it is, suddenly vanished before it reached its feathery target giving the poultry the chance to start peaking at Ace's face down to the bone! However, Ace Hobo predicted this would happen and used substitute just before the poultry god started attacking! Ace Hobo is suddenly evolving into... an ULTRAPOULTRY GOD! Evolutions inc. do not take clauses about unoriginality. Chapter 4 Now there was a fish and a duck, they lived together in a collage dorm pretending to be students. They liked going to brothels. However, the brothels didn't like them. It was because one time one of the ho's didn't get paid by the duck and just ran. Because they were mad, the fish, named Ivan Il'yich Ivanov, decided to hatch an evil plot. After hatching his evil plot from an egg he kept in the fridge for just such an occasion, Il'yich donned his vibram fivefingers, mounted his segway, and set off toward gotham. Unfortunately, he was unaware that Billy the Bully from chapter 1 had been supernaturally reanimated, and so had his intense hatred for all things segway! This is, of course, the expected outcome, given that one's memories do tend to come with one when supernaturally reanimated. Billy, more intelligent and patient due to his reanimation, slipped into the dorm and modified his victims' segways to have a remote control override. Then Billy sufferd from a fatal heart attack that was brought on by a very decorated empress fish girl that wants to take over the world. Chapter 6 Following the fascinating events of Chapter 5, Captain Antarctica returned to his snowy, penguin-guarded fortress to await the next time he would be needed. Much to Captain Antarctica's surprise, his fortress, built out of abundant Antarctic ice, had burned to the ground! This angered the captain and called on his penguin army and lead them to take the world by force! Unfortunately for him, he sent his (un)trusty sidekick, Corporal Iceberglettuce, to lead them. Another problem was, that captain Antarctica hadn't counted on was his, and the penguin's, low resistance to high temperatures. This oversight was exploited by the rebel army to make copious amounts of char-grilled penguin, this then fixed the world's food crisis that had been initiated by the unfortunate events of the poultry uprising from chapter three.
  23. if they're gonna drop from players too, i'm gonna have me heads on spikes on my walls!
  24. what if we need to multiply by the extrapulate?
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