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Posts posted by warpspeed10

  1. As of the current version, teleport pipes can only transfer materials within the same world as each other. To transfer materials between dimensions, you need to put them into an Ender chest, or use Mystcraft portals. In the case of liquids, you need to pipe it into containers such as buckets, or cells before sending it to the Ender chest. If you are using the lava for power generation, I would recommend placing the generators in the nether with your lava and a chunk loader. Then all you have to do is keep passing energy crystals between dimensions in the Ender chest.

  2. IC2 crop breeding is almost completely random. You have the highest chances of obtaining any child plant with a tire +1 or -3 of the parent plants. Placing up to 3 dirt blocks under the farmland block as well as growing your crops in swamp, followed by jungle and mushroom biomes will help cultivation as well.

    The trick is to maximize your crossbreeding chance by crossbreeding as many plants as physically possible. Two 3x3 farms will not cut it. A 9x9 farm will grow the rarer plants eventually, however two 9x9 farms will definitely get you going. The 9x9 comes from the fact that water will hydrate, and crop-ma-trons will monitor an area of 4 blocks in all directions from themselves.

  3. It's fun to start your new maps off with a small encampment you have pre-built in creative. I just started playing a SSP world with a small frame airship drive train already built. As I collected materials, I have added on a quarry head, some sleeping quarters, a machine shop, and an oil pump/ refinery. I have to keep moving from oil well to oil well since my base is powered by fuel (solar is lame).

    Other than that, every world I start represents a new path to endgame I am exploring since there are many ways to accomplish the same goal.

    I'm now on a new world and due to a lack of rubber I'm going to have to learn how to actually use buildcraft.

    You can use Industrial Craft's agriculture system to cultivate reeds that leak sticky resin. They are called stickreed. That, or try to find a swampland for the actual trees.

  4. EE takes self control on the user's part. I avoid Equivalent Exchange like the plague for everything other than building. By that, I mean every item I craft is achieved without EE. However, in order to build the large, complex bases I prefer I require the building materials from EE. It is indeed possible to not use it at all, however, it is more fun to just build big structures, than to farm marble for 2 hours.

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