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Posts posted by warpspeed10

  1. I guess they aren't so advanced after all, eh?

    My suggestion is stop using crappy BC, and switch to an advanced mod, instead of an advanced pipe. Just use RedPower, and you'll never have any items go missing or have to worry about things spilling on the floor or bizarre pipe logic ever again.

    I wouldn't say that at all. Buildcraft is one of the best mods out there compared to the hundereds of shitty minecraft mods posted to MCF every week. To use Buildcraft correctly requires some understanding and pre-planning of item flow. The most common problems arise from people not knowing what they are doing and forgetting to set up item loops. That being said, compared to the others, Buildcraft is in no way a crappy mod. Even better, it is open source. That makes it better than Redpower in my book.

    This appears to be an incredibly easy bug to reproduce. I recommend searching through the EE and Buildcraft forums to make sure no one has posted this yet. If no one has, then go to the Technic home page to find out what versions of the mods you are using and post those version numbers along with your bug report on their respective bug report forums.

    If you don't want to go through the effort of submitting a bug report, you can always just wait for Buildcraft 3 to be ported to bukkit and included in the Technic/Tekkit packs. Buildcraft 3 includes logic gates that can be placed onto pipes. For example, you can set up an iron OR gate to detect if the inventory is full and then either send out a redstone or redpipe (redstone that runs directly along pipes) signal.

  2. Eloraam is the one with a huge notice about how you are strictly prohibited from decompiling her mod, despite that's how the mod was made in the first place. It's a reasonable expectation.But yes, academic until it's actually written.

    Wait... isn't that like illegal or, if not illegal, then strongly frowned upon by most modding communities? I am unfamiliar with regards to laws dictating the copyright of modifications to other people's work.

  3. well the way she has it set up is you have to sork for bluetricity. if you could just turn a generator into a bluetricity producer, that would break what she wanted it to be like. with the buildcraft/ic2 converters, it is balanced, considering that buildraft has no storage units, the power converters allow you to store BC energy as EU. although it would be cool to be able to store BC energy in a gearbox or somethiing.

    Well, a gearbox doesn't store energy. It acts like a mechanical advantage/disadvantage. You might be thinking of a flywheel which stores it's energy in the form of kinetic energy. To give you some perspective, most conventional batteries store energy chemically. There are other types of energy storage called capacitors that store energy on parallel conductive plates.

    Back on topic, the whole point of modding is about sharing and improving upon ideas. I have no reason to believe Eloram would denounce an add on for her mod if it is well coded and supports gameplay. But honestly guys, we are arguing about what Eloram might do if and add on like this was made. Why not go ahead and code it yourselves? Hold your judgement until then.

  4. You don't even have to walk over to the chicken farm to load the eggs back into the dispenser like you do in vanilla. You just need a filter, transposer, retriever, or sorting machine to pick the drops up. In fact, if the transmutation table is enabled, you can abuse all drops of any kind to get infinite diamonds. You can even turn every stack of coal into a diamond really easily with IC2. And when you get a fortune 3 pick, well then there goes your diamond shortage. Just more reasons that a market economy cannot arise naturally in Minecraft unless it is forced.

  5. There is one fundamental problem in your argument. A game like Minecraft does not posses the characteristics that give rise to market economies. Therefore, any economy forced onto the players is more akin to a communist style of government rather the economy you claim to seek.

    First off Minecraft lacks scarcity. The map size is infinite unless you are using a map limiter plugin, and if you are, your map will eventually run out of resources completely and the economy will collapse.

    The second, and almost as important aspect is the lack of specialization. A market thrives off people of different skills trading goods and services. If everyone in the game can mine, fish, cut wood, use redstone, build, craft, travel, brew, farm, or fight off monsters, there is no incentive for the players to trade goods or services. If you try to limit this by telling players they cannot break wood, or place down redstone, or only some can use weapons, well good luck with that. You would be changing the whole feel of Minecraft.

    If you instead go the lame route and give players 1 up every couple hundred blocks they mine. Then you're not really creating specialization, you're just forcing the players to grind levels.

    A long the line as lack of scarcity, there is also lack of diversity. Every item in the game can usually be found within the 5 to 6 biomes around you, not counting the other dimensions. Thus there is no incentive for players to travel and trade with each other for anything other than more diamonds.

    In summary, Minecraft just isn't the type of game that market economies can arise in. Sure there are plugins that try to half-ass it, but not one of them really embodies a true market economy. Your view on disabling the creation of resources from energy, is akin to being against the generation of gunpowder, arrows, string, wool, as well as leather, stone, and iron items in infinite amounts due to the mechanics of mob drops. You would even have to disable the entire branch of IC2 farming if you don't want plants making free iron, gold, and redstone dust. Minecraft economies simply do not work.

  6. Emphasis mine.

    Excuse me? Blue alien? I'm a SUPERVILLAIN. Get it right.

    Anyways, I'm taking no part in this nuclear exchange. WMDs that leave behind nasty radiation, sickness, and horrible consequences beyond the second they strike just aren't my style. I'm more a fan of the death ray/experimental non-nuclear WMDs.

    ...Not to mention I'm taking no part in this battle for prepubescent supremacy.

    Supervillan? Ha! I'll have you know that I possess a Phd in Horribleness. I even killed my arch-nemesis' girlfriend. Ya... totally meant to do that... I showed him... :'(

  7. Uh, you can't build solar panels without copper.

    You also can't build solar panels without rubber.

    Unless you mean that you are making a premade world with stuff already built for people to roleplay in. But if that's the case, you don't need to modify anything. Just load up a vanilla server, generate the map you want (since you're premaking it anyway), and then copy and paste it into a tekkit server's folder, then install your border plugin.

    You can get rubber from Stickreed. It's a plant added in IC2 agriculture.

  8. Why don't you use all those materials to build something cool? Try to make Atlantis with some dome forcefeilds and an ocean biome. If you're playing technic, you could make a stargate room with Mystcraft portals or even use turtles as drones to attack/defend you city.

  9. What is EE?

    My Quarry is completely full of water, if it finds lava, it will be turned into copplestone

    I can't do another quarry for while, this one I made is sooooooooo huge and I have not enough power to feed two.

    I will take lava from the nether, I got everything ready (just need coupe waterproof pipes).

    Tomorrow I might have Geotermal working properly.

    EE stands for the Equivalent Exchange mod. He was noting that obsidian has a decent magical value.

  10. get MV solar arrays, and like it or not, feed them into a single MFE with only one quarry running.If you'd like, you can alternate which quarry runs; I would run one for a day, then switch ;) You just have two MFEs with that many solar panels ): Once you find a large lava source, you can also have a geothermal generator ;)

    You realise that, if he needs to have a quarry running, he probly doesn't have that many resources. Saying "Just get a few MV solars" is the same as saying "No problem bro, just get a few hundred solar panels and run them into an MFE... good luck!"

  11. So yea...the solution is to just build up the power network a bit bigger. If you're feeling adventurous, try incorporating some water mills into the setup. They generate a really small amount of power, but it's consistent across all times of day.

    I wouldn't say a small amount of power. They generate the same amount as a solar panel, so since they run all day long the produce twice as much as a single solar panel.

    As for the quarry, I believe it will eat however much power you give it, but only work up to a certain limit (one block per second if I remember correctly). They also have an internal buffer. What you should do is attach the MFE to the quarry via energy link, wait a moment, then detach it and let the quarry run. Time how long it takes for the quarry to stop. Now set up a timing system to signal an EU-Splitter for howver long the quarry runs, then allow the quarry to charge back up for a bit, and repeat.

  12. You could do two things. One, is to attach a water strainer inline with the tubes. The water strainer will let oil pass through freely while turning the water that comes through into IndustrialCraft EU. Supply a redstone signal if you would like to simply destroy the water instead of hooking it up to a batbox. The next, more efficient way would be to build up a cobblestone sleeve from the ocean bed up around the oil pillar to separate it from the rest of the ocean.

  13. A crop-matron will cover a 9x9x3 area. That's 4 blocks away in all 4 directions and one block both up and down from the machine. I don't think you need that many. Both a water source block and a crop-matron cover a 9x9 area. See if you could use this fact to streamline your design.

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