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Posts posted by DemonCrusher36

  1. Like Kaker said, Mojang has completely lost touch with their playerbase (if the ever were in-touch to begin with) and have no idea what they actually want to do with their game. Let's all just come together as a community and hope they don't fuck it up beyond our desire to patch or work around, as time goes on.

    Eh, there sort of getting it right. There adding village content at least, and a basic enderchest is better then no enderchest, IN vanilla.

    I just wish they would finish older features and improve on them.

  2. Pffftttt nobody plays vanilla. Minecraft is suffernig because Mojang doesn't "get it", they either lost site or never actually knew where they were taking the game, and they certainly don't seem to have any idea where they want to take the game anyway. Besides talking about how they can make more money. And going back on the whole "every version of Minecraft is yours!!"

    Man I could be critical about Mojang all day, it's practically my hobby.

    I play vanilla.... At times.

  3. I really like your work cheap, ALL of your stuff is hilarious and the style is great. I've shared it with freinds and all..

    Got to say, my favourite one is the one with the sheep "There in love.. I wonder if there going to make BABIES" the look on the villager is so funny.

    Good work, keep it up.

  4. Forestry is still in the rec build, but won't be in future versions.

    At least Portal Gun, Sneaky Pipes, Iron Chests and Laser Mod are not, IIRC (I'm on 7.0.1 for a while so I can't check, correct me if I'm wrong)

    As far as Technic 7 is concerned, we'll have to wait and see...

    Fair enough, but portal gun, laser mod and iron chests are easy as 123 to install, never tried sneaky pipes.

  5. He derps enough to be cute without being stupid. Why would I like to watch him mumble to himself while he tries things?

    He is not a comedian like Toby or Jesse who can make failure into a funny routine. His strength is success, not failure.

    I know, but a snippet of the occasional herp derp would be fun.

  6. Apart from the few cool things about forestry (bees in particular) I didnt like it. Within a few minecraft days, you could have stacks, and stacks, and stacks of whatever farmable (wood for example)

    I'd much prefer something creative, such as thaumcraft, frames and things like obsidian pipes.

  7. I dont think minecraft for xbox was intended to be the same as PC, yadadada.

    More of for easy use, I got it to play with people that dont have great computers, or messing around with servers.

    Yes it is primitive (being beta 1.6.6) but what do you expect? The same as PC? It takes much more to get updates and such on.

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