You are gonna need the file ForgeModLoader-Client-0.log, as well as crash-2013-06-04_20.53.13-client.txt, not just the console output in most cases, just FYI. First off, were you using any other mods? Those are generally very troublesome when used in a structured modpack like this, particularly ones like dynamic lights or optifine, as they can (and will) overwrite and absolutely break alot of mods, (including forge ). This error in particular seems to be with EE trying to update the little light effect shown when a block is looked at with a minium or philosopher's stone in hand. Were you messing around with beta stuff? If you were, sorry but that world is corrupted irreparably. If not, you should try removing any other mods you have them installed first and check if that fixes it, then try loading your world without EE. If it still will not run without EE, then try just making a new world, and ultimately just backup your worlds and delete your BigDig folder if nothing else works, a clean install should run fine.