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About hellow12327

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Grass (2/9)



  1. You are gonna need the file ForgeModLoader-Client-0.log, as well as crash-2013-06-04_20.53.13-client.txt, not just the console output in most cases, just FYI. First off, were you using any other mods? Those are generally very troublesome when used in a structured modpack like this, particularly ones like dynamic lights or optifine, as they can (and will) overwrite and absolutely break alot of mods, (including forge ). This error in particular seems to be with EE trying to update the little light effect shown when a block is looked at with a minium or philosopher's stone in hand. Were you messing around with beta stuff? If you were, sorry but that world is corrupted irreparably. If not, you should try removing any other mods you have them installed first and check if that fixes it, then try loading your world without EE. If it still will not run without EE, then try just making a new world, and ultimately just backup your worlds and delete your BigDig folder if nothing else works, a clean install should run fine.
  2. :C Apparently Bigdig is no longer compatible with Elemental creepers. Got a white screen just after the mojang screen, looking through the dev console with my primitive java eye I have absolutely no idea what happened, but it didn't even generate a formal crash report to try to track it down :/
  3. You are going to need WAY more than 'OMG IT CRASHED HELP ME!!!' Go to wherever technicpack is installed to (usually your appdata or your desktop, look for a appropriately named folder) find the crash-reports folder, and copy the contents of the most recent one (they are not always in order, double check the time), and post a new topic including that. Without that log, nobody can help you.
  4. This issue is no longer valid, if a mod could delete this post it would be appreciated.
  5. Cool, trying it out right now! At first glance I though that this bug was because I installed betterdungeons (why is that no longer included...), but then I removed it and got the same error Edit: Updated, fixed the error! Yayz one more armor point!! Btw, with my comment about it being removed, I ment from the technic pack entirely, which it was removed from after 1.2.5 (excluding the yogbox which hasn't been updated since 1.2.5 and isn't managed by the technic team anyway...) Haven't seen this 'Dungeon Pack' of which you speak, though I would love to try it. Edit 2: If you mean THIS dungeon pack, i'll have you know it was discontinued 2 months ago and is infact no longer available for download http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/dungeon-pack.28840
  6. :O he doesn't use CHROME? For IOS? whaaaaaaat? So sad.... But anyway iPad version shouldn't matter, and I loaded it up on safari just now. No dice.
  7. Lolwat? I'm using an iPad 2 to post this right now through chrome on it itch iOS 6... Not even rendering any ads ( I actually didn't know u guys had any lol) Edit: never mind, I see ONE on the very bottom that it extends the page to load lol. Talk about nonobtrusive...
  8. IGN: hellow12327 reason for applying: finally found a good tekkit server, want to play on it with all the plugins enabled Why I should be accepted: lots of MC and Technic experience, generally work well with other players, hope to be able work with someone on smp
  9. I don't REALLY know, except LWC is more or less useless in Tekkit, seeing as you can use buildcraft to pump their items out of the chest/furnace/ .etc (unless you have Towny, which makes LWC pointless in the first place)
  10. I'm a assuming that if I was to install it as a plugin for my server, it would have a seizure, fill the GUI with errors, then crash violently? Or will it do the impossible and succeed in having all its item ID's openly compatible with (as vanilla as a mod-pack can be) Tekkit?
  11. It would normally show the Mojang logo by then, I would assume (depends on how boss your computer is) that its crashing on launch, not just loading slow. (wasn't that supposed to speed it up anyway?)
  12. This is the most outdated topic on the entire form. Therefore I post. :)
  13. oh god, mo creatures would be laggy as hell on SMP, i kinda hope they don't
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