. What is your Minecraft name? Moryse
2. How old are you? 17
3. Previous tekkit exp.? I have played on Tekkit, FTB, and AT, so i am fairly knowledgeable of this mod pack
4. Why do you want to join?I am looking for a small server that is friendly and active.
5. What can you bring to the server? I can bring a friendly attitude, and communication, and help throughout the comminuty
6. What is my name? RUslan
7. Anything you want to tell about yourself? I am an avid gamer, ive been playing MMORPGS, and RPGS since i was about 5 (ya, 5.) and i still enjoy playing video games. I mostly play MMORPGS alot of the time. But minecraft also takes quite a bit of my time.
8. Your location and timezone in GMT: -8:00 GMT
9. Tell us shortly about yourself: I Live in California, but im Russian born. I BMX and Parkour in my spare time.
10. Do you agree the rules? Completely