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About SinXX

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Grass (2/9)



  1. Ummm.... it's not a Tekkit problem... It's minecraft.net
  2. When you were making these items were you using Industrial diamonds or normal diamonds. It shouldn't matter as they are supposed to be interchangable but for testing purposes just make sure you have the normal diamonds. Other than that unless there is another mod you have put in (which, by your information provided - doesn't look like you have) I can't give much help on the matter :\
  3. Because the creator had a bitch about it being in Tekkit/Technic.
  4. type /op [buildCraft]
  5. okay guys simple fix op [buildCraft] it's a weird bug that I never found in Tekkit 2 but there you go. Same goes for some Redpower and ComputerCraft stuff. (In which case you op [buildCraft] and [RedPower]
  6. Better a small chunk missing then your whole map :)
  7. you could make a computer craft program to hold multiple clients. Each client has a username and password, and when entered it returns the goods to them through redpower tubing (transposers etc.) Pretty basic stuff to keep your clients security in check.
  8. Did you have a world anchor/teleport tether in the area the first time?
  9. 32x can only allocate 1.5GB memory to java Virtual Machines. I'm not 100% on the reasoning behind this, but that'd be the problem. This too.
  10. I love you. The structure itself is "meh" to me as I make monstrosities all the time, but the programs running it all is orgasmic to say the least. Good job. EDIT: I gotta admit when I read "fills MFSU in 2 seconds" I almost pissed myself laughing.
  11. It's like you read my mind...
  12. He was worried he'd break the internet.
  13. Guys, restart the server and don't use the /reload command. Problem solved.
  14. Tell them to change there options to the Recommended build (NOT development), and please look up the thousands of other threads like this one before posting a new one. Thanks.
  15. The only thing I can think of is hook up a light sensor and a timer. If the timer states that it should be night time then the light sensor wont go off but if its day time and not enough light is getting through (due to storm clouds) then it's raining - unfortuantly this won't work at night. The other problem with this is if you change the time manually, I don't know the ramifications to the timer. Good luck.
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