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Everything posted by Sam6555

  1. I skimmed one of these messages, so forgive my ignorance if this has already been stated, but you could use mining turtles with a cobble gen as block breakers are disabled.
  2. @warp I'll get some screens done tomorrow. Gonna go to sleep now. I connected an EU Detector cable to the input of the MFSU and red alloyed it to the Reactor shut-off wireless. I did try messing around a little with a NOT gate and State Cell. But SC's are awkward to use from the looks of it on the RP wiki, I'll look more into it when I have more time. What I was hoping for was some kind of system so that the reactor would turn off for x amount of time when the MFSU fills. I don't want the redstone to constantly turn the reactor on and off. I figured a Not Gate and SCell combo would do this, but I've never used SCells before. All I know is they hold a redstone signal for whatever time you specify. @Phur Nope,nothing in the text. Must be because we use multiverse.
  3. @Green Are you sure you read the wiki? @TheBard and Valkon Yup, I know about Red Alloy having to be on the actual block.
  4. @Master I'll try that later, however..... @Phrio Yes, we use Multiverse. :< Is there any known fix for it?
  5. @ace That was my only other thought, EU Detector cables. Perhaps if there was a way that when the MFSU filled, the reactor would turn off for say 5 minutes. Should be fairly simple with a State Cell? I don't know. I just don't want the reactor constantly flickering on and off again every other second. @Master Yup I have used it before, nothing appears in chat. I even had a piece of Red alloy connected to it and slowly flicked through while the MFSU was full, watching the cable out the side of the screen. Nothing changed. :<
  6. I made that post because he did not read my first post at all. Here, I'll make a quote: Now would you say that it's me being rude?
  7. Are you retarded?
  8. I set up a reactor on a server. I went all out on it. Reinforced stone, switches with logic gates for safety, info panels. Even though I knew it would never block, and block damage is off. Originally I was considering making a 510 or 520 EU/t Reactor so it just fills an MFSU. Then I decided to just make a really powerful one, because I could. So now I have a 1540 EU/t reactor. My problem is, the Redstone Behaviour button isn't working on any of the three storage devices, so is there any way I could set it so the reactor shuts down when the MFSU fills?
  9. I think the best way to make stuff from UU-Matter is to make it into Glowstone and then condense into whatever you like. I think UUM > Glowstone is the best EMC trade.
  10. So, I think I finalised my design considering non-overclocked machines. Each Sorting Machine sorts 5/5/15 as I found that 1 condenser making Blaze Rods wasn't quite fast enough. Now it's completely self-sustainable, and the Blaze Rod chests will never have more in because there's always the same EMC-worth in Rods/Powder circling through the RMacerators.
  11. Well I tested with 3 sorting machines I had just to make sure it worked before making 28 of them. It worked. Coloured everything as it should have been coloured, and the Blaze Rod condenser was coping quite well with Blaze Powder output of 3 RMacerators. Will just have to see how it copes with output from 14 RMacerators at once. If it still keeps up, perhaps I should look into overclocking the RMAcs. Is there a list anywhere of how many Overclockers/Energy Storage upgrades I can place in the machines? Sort of like how a recycler can be maxed out with 1 ES upgrade and 10 Overclockers to Recycle objects 1 per tick.
  12. Brb, gonna make 28 sorting machines for testing purposes. :P
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