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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. On 6/15/2018 at 4:03 PM, Munaus said:

    figures they would do this after doing Fallout Shelter.


    I can't wait to play it and get bored within a month, just like the Fallout one :allears:

    Personally i can't wait to not play it, because i haven't even touched the fallout one. 

    i'll just sit over here playing Xenoblade chronicles, X, and 2. because i only just finished chronicles' story on my 3ds and get to do remaining quests and such. 


    11 hours ago, Munaus said:

    spam bots still come here, just in much fewer numbers. I just bent a Vidghra male enchancement before posting this

    it's much easier to steer the traffic of bug reports to Discord, as we have a bot that analyzes users logs and gives them a solution if it knows the issue.


    yes, we are incredibly lazy.


    that feeling when you ask where when you meant why arn't  as in: 

    15 hours ago, holymage! said:

    so in short, the fourms problems are getting regurgitated onto Discord, 

    so that just leaves the cheap uggs...why aren't they in general?  

    i guess it's because it's hard to make a spam bot for discord when you can just ban things at the touch of a button 

  3. I've got a pinned tab in Chrome, so whenever i have it open (which isn't alot since it take up enough memory and CPU time that it can affect performance in things) i check here...was surprised to see something here, i thought it died :(

    as for Skyrim, i'm waiting for mods to update/port over and SKSE to get out of Alpha for the special edition. then i'll go and do it. 
    as for beyond skyrim, well, i hope i can at least use a few mods with it, otherwise i fear i'll try it once and then throw it in the trash because i can't use mod X because of Y reason, which is a stupid reason...but it will happen. 

    also recently got a job with the City I live in so that's a plus! 

  4. 20 minutes ago, dwwojcik said:

    I've had my current PC for almost 2 years at this point.  I have 30 GB of space left over on the SSD, which isn't all that much in my opinion.  This does include the programs I've installed on it of course, since I didn't want my OS to be the only thing getting that sweet sweet speed boost.  If you install literally everything on your D drive you'll be fine on the C drive, but it would end up being a bit of a waste.

    a friend of mine has both, he installs things to the normal hard drive but his windows thing like moves the files that he uses more to his SDD, so his "favorite" programs always ran from the SDD....forget what he called it but it went something like that. was crazy shit. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Neowulf said:

    Heh. Taking a defensive driving course for work.

    "Carrying a weapon is not advised as a means to gain control of your emotions."

    "Do not use electronic equipment such as cellular phones, portable laptops, or portable fax machines while driving." I want a portable fax machine, and one of the 80's style brick phones they show in the video.

    "Do not eat a full meal while driving." And yes, they showed him eating a full meal starting with the salad course.

    "Beware drivers with out of state license plates."

    "Use a CB radio to report a suspected DUI to the police."

    "The No Zones are in front of, behind, and on the left and right sides of a semi-truck." So apparently the only blind spot free area is flying above of tunneling underneath a big rig. Good to know early 90's narrator.

    "Rural areas have hazards such as farm equipment and special deer crossing areas." Well no shit sherlock.

    "In case of an accident, keep your owners manual, emergency phone numbers, a spare accident report form, and a copy of your medical records in your car at all times." Yeah, I'll get right on that...

    when i went to the hospital and they asked me last time i had a tetanus shot i said "well fuck if i know, do they give those out at school" 

    also a moment of silence for the anniversary of the kitty jail is today  

  6. 4 hours ago, TheBytemaster said:

    Here's an idea.

    What if I wrote a set of programs with process names matching that of all known popular antivirus executables. Then I set up a process to monitor them all and tell me if any of them are ever killed or not running. Or maybe all of the dummy processes would all report their state to the master process every few seconds.

    Any malware that chickens out upon seeing certain AV processes will leave me alone, and any malware that tries to kill my sham antivirus will blow its own cover.

    Thinking further, I could also include processes for a bunch of common debugging/analysis/disassembly tools, as some malware is also know to try and avoid those. All of the sham processes could also hash their own executables on startup, comparing to a known good hash.


    To take things even farther, you could put the sham executables in the legitimate install locations of each of the antivirus programs you fake, and even spread some registry keys around that they use.


    i was following you until: the third paragraph....then you lost me with sham .exes and shit 


  7. 2 hours ago, TheBytemaster said:

    Why not both? A captcha for a new thread and a new thread limit for new accounts.

    I'm guessing that a captcha for making a new thread would be harder to implement though, when I think about it. And really, just a new thread cap for accounts less than one or two days old would all but solve the problem.

    Both are easier said than done though.

    Anyways, a question. Usually, my car roof looks kind of like this when it's cold and frosty in the morning:


    Hidden Content


    A little while ago, it looked like this instead:


    Hidden Content


    Any ideas why this could happen? I've never seen it before or since, it's a complete mystery to me.

    it happens often here in canada :P

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