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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. Bought myself a half-decent, (and nicely priced), PC case. I'm thinking I'll slowly fill it up with parts that don't go obsolete quickly first, (so RAM, and a PSU, mainly.), when I see good deals, and then go for all of the parts that age all within a month of each other or so. I think I'll wait on those for a while though, I want to see what DX12, Skylake, and HBM do to the market first.



    ​skylake? HBM? what are those? 

  2. Don't play Xcom, it bloody good fun but then you will encounter squids who will make their turn infinite, breaking the game. I've reached the end twice, but never completed it as the last bosses do the same thing! Oh, and if you find a patch or mod for this, please tell me, I'd love to finish the damn game once.

    On another note, surge protectors are your friends! Here's hoping you'll be able to revive your tower before long.

    (And no, I don't know what's up with the quote, they've been funky for me as of late)

    you could  try the long war mod, they fix a bunch of things with the mod as well as completely (yes i do mean completely) overhall the entire game play experience. 

    you get psyonics (spelling)?  much much sooner (you can acually get it before lazer tech. equipment (guns, SCOPES, armour, etc) take damage and need to be repaired once in a while (anywere from 4 hours to 4 days), new classes, and MUCH more. here is the linky for the page



    that's my new WIFI :D 

  3. /rage rant

    ahhh i god damn hate this….

    so I've recently moved and i set up my computer and it only boots up to the bios screen, so i had to go and make sure my hard drive was still connected or if it got dis lodged during moving or something, this involves moving all the mono stuff out of the way. i do this find out my hard drive is still attached so i put everything back together and nothing only a blink of my LEDs. so now my PSU is shot (i think it got surged, this is an old building) so now i need to get new PSU before i can use my computer….IF ITS NOT ONE THING ITS A FUCKING ANOTHER THING!!!!

    how hard is it for life to just let me shoot some aliens? (Xcom: EW: long war) i mean really…

    /rage rant

    so i'm typing this from my mother's….Mac… *shivers*, i should have my wifi sometime this week though…i've also discovered that it is very possible to play to much zelda…waaaaaaay to much zelda. 

  4. Too many neckbeards, IMO. I miss Chaep art-farts.

    ​indeed i miss it to, anyone remember that small adiuo file that cheap made when Diablio 3 came out (everyone was asking when technic 7 and other modpacks were coming out) 

    it was pretty much 1 minute of "art art slap slap fart why arn't you doing art fart slap slap" (might be a bit off on the words don't quote me on that, but that was the general idea)...ahh the good old days were if you could mod minecraft you were smart enough to know how to solve basic issues by yourself (i feel like "by yourself" should be one word. 

    one more question: why isn't cheap in the previous contributors list? 

  5. Question: anyone have a spare low-profile graphics card they'd be willing to pawn off on me? All I can see are more expensive than the computer it's needed for was. (It was used, but still.)

    ​i have my grandma's old computer, not really sure if they had GPU's 20 years ago though, haven't taken it apart yet...


    as for planetside 2, i wrote a big nice paragraph and my preformance in it...then the webpage crashed and i lost it all....so i'm just going to say that i get between 60 FPS low pop areas  and between 25 and 40 in high pop areas, on Ultra...which isn't bad i don't think...i didn't have a strong GPU...

    as for me...to prove my addiction to the KJ, my post count went from almost 2.5k down to less then 1K from the KJ wipe....


    oh and i hate how i can't copy quotes now....i have to use the multi-quote (from the start) or make a new post if i want to quote something...

  6. so did anyone play Learn to fly 3 yesterday? i did :D 

    I've discovered www.reddit.com/r/worldpowers.  Basically it's a roleplay/discussion thing where you take control of a real country and run it.  You can do stuff like develop infrastructure and wage war.  I was thinking a simpler version, perhaps where you would invent your own country, would make for a fun forum game.  Any thoughts or interest?

    ​isn't that pretty much Civilization and democracy? come to think of it, isn't that the basis of any 4X (or 2X i guess if you take out economic and cultural stuffs) 

  7. Well I'll keep this short. I know how to make a modpack that uses forge, that's easy. HOWEVER, there is a tiny pack I want to make that uses a mod that doesn't use forge (Christmas Festivities from 2012 for 1.4.5). I know how to manually install this, but can anyone tell me how to make this work on the launcher? (to install manually you delete META-INF from the minecraft.jar and drag in the mod contents afterwards) Thanks in advance! :)


    A.) why wouldn't you want forge?

    b.) 1.4.5 mods won't work on 1.7.X (i assume you know this?)

    c.) you just drop them into the mods folder wherever your instance of MC is.

  8. That was fun.


    Holy, turns out the game I played with you was really unfair, I spawned where you were against Planetguy and got totally whooped. That spawn is terrible.


    i figured the map was mirrored....you know like all good RTS/ turn-based games do....


    sea for days mate....


    and they say that missle is still hovering over that crawler

  9. JABBA uses very different textures than Factorization for its barrels. There are various texture pack addons for JABBA (Sphax being one) which change the look of the barrals. This may be the best solution for you. You could also use one of those as a starting point for your preferred look.


    i still want everything else to be the default texture though...

    sorry i should have said that in my first post :P

  10. (You can probebley skip the first paragraph, it just gives more back story)

    So I've been making a minecraft base and was storing a bunch of cobble and other shin anagrams in factorization barrels...then I remembered the big flaw in them...you can't output/input from any side, do in order for my me system to read them I need 2 storage buses (one on top one on bottom)

    So I got to use jabba barrels...however I don't like the texture of them (to much white....picky I know.) however I love the factorization model for them...is there anyway I can switch them? Or just change the texture of jabba to the FZ one?

    Thanks in advance if I forget...

    As a side note: I was debating putting this in art art slap slap, but that seemed to be more of a fan art area not a "how do I do x" place

  11. Hi guys, i recently made a clan in warframe for kitty jailers (and i guess you normal forum folk can join to (too?))

    for those who don't know what Warframe is i'll give you 2 version, the long one and the short one.

    short one: Space, Parkour, Ninjas, what other 3 things could go better?

    Long(er) version: Warframe is a F2P third person shooter in which you take the role of the "ruling" faction of the solar system, The Tenno. The Tenno use a highly advanced "suit of amour" (no one really knows what the Tenno are, if they are humans in suits or if the suits are robots themselves)  that grant them unique power and abilities, these are called Warframes. along with these abilities, the tenno use a Primary weapon (which range from bows to shotguns), a Secondary weapon (which range from throwing knives to dual shotgun pistols), and a melee weapon (which range from daggers to swords to lashes to war-axes to whip(s)). 


    there is no clear goal to the game. what you do is up to you and what you want....your Warfames and weapons gain experience which is needed for modding, which improves your weapons stats.

    the trailer can be veiwed here (although it might be a little old now)  


    you can also find the game on steam.

    also one other thing, it's F2P however there is a real money market, again however you can aquire everything in the market in the actual game through blood sweat and tears (and all the Prime equipment can't be bought on the market)

    if you would like to join:
    contact me via PM on this site or twitter (@gooberlious)
    my IGN is gooberlious

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