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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. Lightning:

    Too unpredictable to be reliable.

    lighting will always strike were it has the shortest route to the ground, if you make a really tall thing that would knock out the unpredictability

    you do however have a point in the unreliable part, but you don't store all your eggs in one basket right?

  2. Geothermal. works in minecraft why wouldn't it work here?

    we also got warded blocks right? just make a reactor encased with the stuff.

    EDIT: why not use lighting...with lighting rods...you would just need a big freaking cable to transmit that energy and make a storage container to keep it.

  3. How would that solve the atmosphere problem?

    i was under the understanding that the reason we have an atmosphere is because our magnetic poles deflect the comic radiation, which would otherwise erode the atmosphere.

    ergo...if you did what i said the atmosphere might develop over time and then you got a water cycle...then hand the reins to evolution.

  4. Here's something for you guys to talk about:

    If you were to turn Mars into something similar like Earth's conditions, what would you have to do?

    i would use Gobal warming to my advantage and melt the ice caps, this would hopefully jumpstart a water cycle on mars...the next problem would be its lack of an electromagnetic field

    also, in order to get to mars, wouldn't we need to have some sort of shielding against cosmic radiation?

  5. Since a lot of you are new to the game, I will list the ships and their benefits:

    The Squid

    Role: Harassing larger ships, finishing damaged ships trying to escape, defending galleons

    Pros: Fast, maneuverable, all things that need repair are close

    Cons: only three light gun mounts, has no right gun, can't take a lot of damage, needs a skilled crew to use effectively

    The Goldfish/pyramideon (both are very similar)

    Role: Dealing damage, providing support to heavy ships

    Pros: has heavy weapons for its maneuverability, doesn't require an skilled crew

    Cons: has light armor, has no back gun

    The Spire

    Role: Dealing heavy damage from a distance

    Pros: Very high damage capability, pretty maneuverable

    Cons: glass cannon, slow

    The Galleon

    Role: Heavy fire support, taking out ships

    Pros: VERY heavy weapons, lots of armor

    Cons: defenseless on its own, sloooooow

    So i would seem the Goldfish is the most well rounded while the other either sacrifice movement, power, or speed.

  6. It does appear that we have 4 folks now, yes. (assuming Mataroyale is in too)

    All that matters now is figuring out when the best time would be to play. And if more folks show up, that's even better.

    EDIT: Also, as far as ships go, the Pyrmidion looks like an interesting one too. It's already slanted towards ramming, and if you have a captain with the right perks... well.

    sounds like a good first role for me :P

    ramming into things would be easy...right?

  7. I have it, and it is quite fun. It could use some persistent upgrades, however.

    Typically the strategy I use as a pilot is use the squid, put a flame thrower on the front, a gatling on the back, and a field gun on the right. It suits the squid really well, and the squid is a bit underrated anyways.

    so does that make 4 people?

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