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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. Just that. It seems to be a decent amount of effort to install on a mac, and I dont want to get it if it sucks. I really like RP, RC, and forestry, to i was thinking about giving it a shot.

    those mods can be manually installed into technic

    you just got to (from my knowledge) drag and drop em into the "mods" folder

  2. Force is not energy though. Hue, that was fast.

    And you've proved nothing. You just made an assumption (Negative energy exists) based on another assumption (Newton's third law). But that's almost semantics anyway.

    i thought force was energy....oh well....

    i like if you shoot in the dark long enough eventually you will hit something right?

  3. So, while at work yesterday, i came to a profound realization...i just want to see if i am right or i am going to look stupid...

    so force is energy right?

    and if force is energy then


    and now if Newtons thrid law....

    F(1)= -F(2)

    now if F=E then

    E(1) = -E(2)

    so if i'm right then i just proved that negitive energy exists with Newtons third law

  4. the basic premise isn't all that difficult to explain, though i may be biased because i already know what it is.

    negative energy isn't so easy to explain because it's an opposite to something that shouldn't be able to have an opposite.

    i would explain negitive energy as one person pushing a table with the same force as another person pushing it the other way with the EXACT same force, the energy going into the system to push it is being countered by the energy pushing it in the opposite direction

    i have a knack for explaining hard things....

    [begin side note] it might come from doing a sexual reproduction (with a visual demonstration i might add) in grade 9....in a private school....that's Christian... [end side note]

    EDIT: i would still think the hole analogy is the best one though....

  5. how can you explain a complicated concept without going into the nooks and crannies?!

    time dilation is when one person goes into a spaceship and flies around at a REALLY REALLY high speed, the two people will experience time differently.

    there is an example, i explained time dialiation in 1 sentance, and didn't get into any gamma,length contraction, or some other "greek stuff"

  6. that explains about nothing, holy, it says something at assumes that you will take it for a fact. how do we even know that this negative energy was produced?

    it was to explain the concept, not the nocks and crannies of it....

    i suppose the shovel produces it though...

  7. Are you sure that you're not talking about the photon sphere around the black hole, which is an unstable orbit which can either release the photons, or absorb them into the event horizon? I am pretty sure that once light crosses the event horizon, it is inevitable to be absorbed into the singularity at its center.

    but in his expample the singularity went poof....it died, burned up or something along those lines....

    now were is all the light from the last illion years go?

  8. All the light the black hole ever absorbed would all be emitted at once. This is because the light is not gone, it is simply in orbit below the event horizon. With gravity gone it would all escape. While it would be a great light show, any matter within an unimaginable distance would be instantly vaporized by all the light. Depending on the black hole, they have billions of years worth of light stored up. Just the light alone would make a super nova look like a grain of sugar burning up.

    THAT IS SOOOOO COOOOL!!!!!! (no really)

    It is definitely not a "poof gone" thing: that has been proven not to be the case. (Articles about that found in: nature, science, NWT and NOT google, but google scholar)

    About the wormholes, no one knows exactly how strong the spacetimedilitation of a black hole really is. If it is a wormhole, it needs to break Einstein and thus have like a gap in spacetime. The only way a black hole might achieve this is with a tremendous amount of mass. Now luckily that is present in a black hole. But another thing needed may, or may not be existent in a black hole which is required to keep it open and stable: negative energy (in -Joules).

    Negative energy has been created once before on earth in an experiment, so it might exist out there... But, like with the Majorana particle it has been created using a workaround... The Majorana particle is It's own counterpart, it annihilates with a particle of the same kind. The Majorana particle was created using a gap (an unoccupied space in a see of electrons, creating an effective positive particle) and an electron. Those two annihilate, tadaa: a Majorana particle... That's not really a Majorana particle, now is it?

    thanks for the clarification

  9. Where would all that light go? Must be a pretty brilliant sight.

    no one really knows if i recall correctly, some people says it defies physics and things in a black hole just vanish....poof...gone....

    and some people think that there is a wormhole inside the blackhole and "teleports" it to the otherside....

    now i am thinking about stargate....Thanks guys...i am trying to go to bed....jeeezzz

  10. I give you points for cuteness, but it's too corny to really use. :P

    dawww....you give me to much credit....

    my mother came up with most of the puns when watching vampire diaries with my sister

    ...I have *never* been so tempted to break the no meme rule and post a Grumpy Cat in response.

    you and me both

    Okamikk, you are a loony. :P And that sounds like a movie.

    I like Spirit Fragments. It doesn't scan very poetically, but it is certainly Awesome enough and also is a nice tweak on the phrase "soul shards" to make the link clear. I believe I'll go with that.

    EDIT: Ooooh, Essentia Vitae...holy crap. Now I have a hard choice because both names have strong merits. I shall ponder.

    anther one you could use is

    soul stealing sea shells? (that arn't by the sea shore)

    ohh...alright i will stop with the shitty puns...

    i think soul fragments is the best.

  11. [--snip--] I've now decided for sure I'm going to create a competing Soul Shards mod (called something else, of course...I'm leaning toward "Your Soul Is Mine" but I'm open to suggestions), once I get Redstone In Motion into a state where I'm ready to call it the first official release.

    how about... "I vant to suck your SOUL!"


    because talking like a vampire is awsome....

    and it will make a bloody mess that will suck on the minecraft fourms....and it would take a bite out of shadow dragon's mod

    (see what i did there with the last line)

  12. i have been lurking here for the past bit....thinking i was smart being the only one in my physics 11 class that got relativity.....i feel extremely stupid now

    anyways....how about that FTL/hyperspace/warp drive NASA is working on?

    pretty cool from what i have learned so far....

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