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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. what do you mean by ok then?

    ok then let me explain,

    You say

    i'd rather not because i did that before with tekkit and it's lag and i kept crashing on start up and i don't want that happening with anything else

    so then he said.

    Ok then.

    i don't see how your confused.

  2. Well ok i was playing minecraft i pressed Esc then pressed somthing and was like whatever but then when i moved my cursor my minecraft skin would sorta glide sloly across like barly move and it would move slightly gliding across a little i dont know if you even understand what i am saying i am trying my best but i cant really play games when its stuck like this :/ plz i need help i do not know what to do :( tell me what option to turn off or somthing

    i think your trying to say that your screen moves slow when you move your mouse, therefore press (i think) F8 when that happens again

    It always amazes me when someone can perfectly convey rapid incoherent chipmunk babbling with mere text.

    Is this how the great writers are born? Do people like this find proper punctuation and start using their powers for good?

    Wasn't it you (could have been someone else, i'm terrible with names) that was talking about being "nicer" to people?

  3. Impressive, I never would have thought about low orbit lightning. The only problem I find with that would be transmission back to the surface.

    One way around that could be the use of space elevators keeping the meshes suspended. Why do I say space elevator? Because nothing else would be able to stay over the same plot of land for wired transmission at such an orbit. At that point though you may as well just go for solar power grids in space at the end of the space elevator.

    this will explain everything to that problem

    (you can stop at 9:37ish)

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