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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. Contains DRM, author has been infecting Buildcraft with strict creative vision at the expense of third-party flexibility, author indirectly broke the fuck out of many other mods right before he went off to do other things and came back to say "lol not my fault"...

    could you repaeat that in English (lee man terms)?

    all i got was DRM....infecting buildcraft....thrid party....fuck out of mods...when to do shit

  2. Stop trying to make villians: You have plenty to choose from. Start with Sengir, CovertJaguar, Azanor, and RichardG, and go from there.

    Sengir is the bottom of a shit barrel, i agree with that.

    Covert and Azanor i don't know much about, but i think Azanor is more miss-lead then anything seems like a pretty nice guy imo

    i know RG is a troll, but why do we hate him?

    you also forgot the creator of GT

  3. i found but still dont know what to do i changed ids to 5509 and 5517 these items but still doing same then i deleted and re downloaded all hexxit still same please help

    Mismatched items : {5509=(Item 5509, Type shukaro.artifice.item.ItemSledge, owned by Artifice, ordinal 2, name item.artifice.sledge.iron, claimedModId null, Item 5509, Type shukaro.artifice.item.ItemSledge, owned by Artifice, ordinal 2, name item.artifice.sledge.ıron, claimedModId null), 5517=(Item 5517, Type shukaro.artifice.item.ItemSickle, owned by Artifice, ordinal 2, name item.artifice.sickle.iron, claimedModId null, Item 5517, Type shukaro.artifice.item.ItemSickle, owned by Artifice, ordinal 2, name item.artifice.sickle.ıron, claimedModId null)}

    you need to find out what the server use for what those IDs are...

  4. Right now the biggest issues are that I'm away on vacation/been grounded and that slayer is always inexplicably away. Once I'm back home and ungrounded I should be able to get it running within a day or so. All the material is there, ready for launch. Its just that no-one can get into the files and add the mods/run the server. Not to mention I have to make a whole new server thread to accommodate the change.

    couldn't you get someone to use remote connection to get the server running?

  5. Mojang has managed to add about a dozen small features from mods here and there, and it has taken them like 2 years, even with a source to study and imitate. Meanwhile, modders are making whole actual mods in a fraction of that time. Mojang is not going to catch up I assure you. MC base game content updates at this point are just a huge waste of time.

    in other news

  6. But we do need help! How do we defeat the final boss of technic? I tried using my technium sword, forged from vis infused lava found in the thaumic chasm dimension for double damage, enchanted with Boss Killer XXIV, but the sword broke! Could you have any insight on how to defeat this awful menace?

    you got to reverse the polarity of your sword

  7. I see the performance argument tossed out many times, but it honestly doesn't make sense. Maybe it has to do with how much RAM is allocated by default by both launchers.

    In all respects, if you were to put FTB's mods into the Technic Launcher, your FPS should be identical to your FPS when using the FTB Launcher.

    it could also be that optifine isn't in FTB, and earlier versions of technic do...pretty sure classic does as well....

    oh and i like how easy it is to add jar mods and disable them from the launcher....

  8. I wouldn't be surprised if FTB came with something similar to the Technic Platform, but with one small twist or something.

    and that small twist would be pennies for the modders him

    by pennies i mean like $0.25 for a modpack....

    I would be surprised if FTB made something like the Platform. Their whole deal is about respecting modders' permissions and allowing anyone to make and distribute a modpack would require a lot of effort to check permissions and approve packs.

    your right, which means that they would have to check EVERY modpack that went through there

    including updates i would think....

    the only reason i EVER used the FTB pack was so i could "play along" with direwolf

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