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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. this is copied from the minecraft wiki

    Likelihood of 2 overworld portals linking to the same Nether portal - Normal World portals that are within 1024 distance of each other on both X and Z axis are almost always going to link to the same Nether realm portal on initial construction because 1024 translates to a distance of 128 in the Nether Realm, and the game checks for existing Portals within 128 "radius" around the destination (the 257x257x128 box).

    EDIT: more here


  2. Hm... Does a xycraft tank work as a free liquid transposer? (Do you get to keep the cans/capsules?)

    i think that is what the itemIO is for...but i don't think you keep the capsules...use buckets

  3. Hrm, I'll have to try RP2, then. Gonna have to set up some thermopiles, then.

    or....you could use ender chests a retriver, and a filter....and just make a system to pull out empty batteries and put in full batteries (into a batariy box that is)

  4. The Minecraft Modding API is coming out soon, shortly after Half-Life 3

    half-life 3 is coming out when TES 7 comes right?

    (i am now relpying here for the h-ali-but)

  5. Isn't that just grease?

    steam is a liquid...wooden ladders don't burn in lava...1 block of water stops any fall...

    i would say your right....but this is minecraft...not real life...

    NO! Molten bacon is the nectar of the gods! Melted in the magma crucible of Notch, Meat taken from the rarest of the pigs, the "cheapspork".

    thought it was "expenspork"

    The glass/lamp tunnel-tree he made... O.o

    At least the tool he made looks very efficient for mining.

    EDIT: What the heck... a tool that spawns these things? Oh, I get what he's actually making, but jeez... At least a tunneler isn't too bad.

    he made it as a "herp derp i was bored" tool i hope he leaves it in for creative mode haha....want to use that in a void age...

  6. So?

    he was asking about a modpack with xycraft....was telling him Soryan's rules as of right now

    because we don't him going to jail for adding a mod to a modpack haha

  7. Yeah.. what wizardry is this

    pun intended?

    i can't even find liquid vis in NEI....(when i was looking through the thaumcraft stuff)

    EDIT: maybe he is using TC2?

  8. Hey im new in the Tekkit world. I had palyed vanilla minecraft in 2-4 years now and im starting to play tekkit, and i thing it is fun. But when i make tools they dosent break again and i dont know why, so plzzzz help me, because i thing it is kinda cheat. :-)

    R Buntzen

    let me continue that for you

    ps i don't read the rules cause i lazy and i think ppl should speak in engrish cause it better and i also tink that ppl shuld't be clear and wut i say

  9. Liquid vis looks nice in the tank. But you screw up your local aura collecting so much.

    make a mystcraft age and use those crystal capasitors

  10. It worked for me. Aaaand... I'm not too thrilled. I mean, it's cool that they try to improve, but come on, everything is already covered by mods and done better.

    Also that 4D is a joke, there is no way they can pull that off. It cost me around 15000 bucks to display 4D (I am one of the people behind the scenes at Science Centre TUDelft). If they were to implement a 4th Dimension, I am very curious which one they pick as being the 4th one...

    Edit: April fool's, I fell for it...>.<

    don't worry bro i feel for it to


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