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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. I'm wondering if there's an unofficial update for Thaumcraft 2 floating around anywhere. I like Thaumcraft 3, but I miss using vis to power my Thaumic devices.

    Maybe a modder can get permission from Azanor to update Thaumcraft 2? :L

    1.3 broke EVERYTHING so no...no one wants to.

  2. While I'm sorry if the permissions myth is false, I would like something to explain why you had forestry effectively ripped out of the pack by the mod developer if you had his permission.

    they didn't SirSengir wanted it removed...so they removed it

    after he destoryed a bunch of worlds and had is laugh


    there you got your respones from an Admin....now you can go...

    Consider it a request

    request declined

    Hi, you're not allowed to make rules on our forum.


  3. ME3 may have multiplayer functionality, but FireFall is always multiplayer. I treid the multiplayer for ME3 for awhile but was able to get the best possible ending with my galactic readiness at 50% so I never really saw the point.

    that is because there isn't,

    also bioware said that you can get the best ending without playing multiplayer...multiplayer was just there if wanted to get 100% i think....i really don't get it myself....

    but according to bioware's N7 HQ...i have 188h logged in it.

  4. It seems to me that if someone is frustrated or wrong in some way, you guys just tease them, gang up and have your laughs, then you ban them? Is this really your entertainment?

    its the whole reason i go on these forums...

    you must be new to the internet then. I assure you, the stupid people will continue to post. And frankly, unless you ridicule and mock the stupid out of people they never grow out of it. It has no bearing on whether the moderators are paid or not. They still have to put up with stupid shit.

    speaking of getting paid and such...NO ONE gets paid a damn dime...

  5. Gregtech is STUPID for multiple reasons. Like screwing with mods other then IC2.

    Don't some of the recipes it "makes harder"(makes stupider) not have config options?

    they do...but keep in mind that with all of that

    do you really want to close minecraft

    go to the config

    and hit backspace a bunch of times were all the trues are

    and then type false 1000 times?

    not to mention his mod isn't even an addon for IC2 now because he is digging into TC3 and (from what i hear i haven't gone to confrim this) Thermal expansion

    i am all for mods interacting and mods for the mods and such, but really i think he is just trying to own the modding community

    oh and i wouldn't be surprised if he is dong princess's mother was the author of Greg tech

    EDIT: well that was a rant and half....

  6. RIP English language :(

    and good riddance, i don't like the English language...but seeing as how its being coming a standard with forums and other such places...

    it is however unbelievably hard to talk like that...

    Sry. il corct dat to engrish! olo!

    engrish is the best YOLO!!!!

  7. -8829682766255188323 amazing oil seed! in this seed there an oil slick at X 255 Y 67 Z 592. you will need about 30-50 tanks ( i was to lazy to count how many i used, so i guesed by the size ) and if you pump enough oil you will find an abandonded mine shaft! heres a pick of the tanks!

    -snip the image-

    Oil is generated after the world loads, and therefore is COMPLETELY random...

    its the same with dungeon loot as well

    i personally like

    "my mind is full of fuck" (that is a personal joke and just happens to make a nice world, though i haven't used it since like 1.0 so 1.3 probebly changed that) or my current one "177-819-7265" (ignore the dashes, i put them there to make reading it easier)

  8. Oh my...

    Is my trolling that hard to decipher?

    it was for me....that maybe cause it sounds like me...although...i have been a runner for the last year and a half....and i could get caught

    I have been working on a really good pack that includes tekkit lite, Voltz, Mo creatures and optifine

    + I have got it all working via server with no errors or issues.

    So I was wondering if I am able to post a link to a server download and the pack.

    Alot of people seem to be asking for a combination of these mods so I think it will be a great help.

    If I run the risk of getting banned I won't bother.

    and remember to post it in the correct section

    EDIT: could i get the link (to the fourm thread you make)

    i would like to try this out :)

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