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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. But be careful about it. Trust me, I don't know how your school is, but mine wasn't that great at keeping track of these things, and even they figured this out. Of course, teachers being logged in in towns they don't live in helps, but still. If you do it, be careful. Stealing their passwords is technically identity theft (made that very clear at the assembly), so if you're caught...well, don't get caught.

    What was this thread about?

    a guy who screenshot links didn't work and i offered to post them if he sent me them via e-mail (didn't get a responese)

    and its not identity theft, if your using your own account :) (they made me one to help with tech, i never abused it though, no really i NEVER did...my dad would have my asses hide and hang it on the wall if I did)

    That just made my day! I will aspire to be like him in my senior year!

    Well this has been such a good thread that I think the staff will put this in their special Box of memory's!

    you would be "better then him" he got "expelled" at grade 10...not 12

  2. actual answer:

    hold the windows key (sometimes called the START key) and press the R key (lower case so don't hold shift) and type in %appdata% (no caps or anything) now delete the .techniclauncher folder, start up the launcher, it should work now...

    i will use $2 of that to bail myself out of this meme



    he used to make good error reports, then he took an arrow in the knee.

    you can give the rest of that $8 to eloraam :)

  3. My four years in high school, mostly senior year, were full of figuring out every way to get around barracuda and UAC on the school computers. Flash drives do wonders (hint). Also, not every file is as secure as they think it might be. There were multiple teacher passwords and the principals password leaked in the beginning of the year to the point where they had an assembly about it. So we had, and then lost, semi-admin rights. Then there was ophcrack...oh the fun. But I won't go there ;)

    our school has never trusted us with semi admin rights, they acually have a program called deep freeze that prevents programs from being installed unless you "un-thaw" the computer

    Ya I took pride in my abilities to pass the school's security attempts too. They would block .exe programs, but I figured out if you put them in the "to burn" drive, you can run games just fine :o

    yep, so does saving those game files to your name drive :)

    its the little things they always forget, i mean i did set up there computer lab (need some volunteer hours to graduate), they still have my account active (i tried it as of 2 weeks ago)

    on another note how are those screenshots coming along, if you want i can upload them for you if you want to send them to me in an e-mail i can then upload them and post the link here for you

    and the side conversation note (that just continues the off topicness of everything): i remember when my friend bypassed like all the schools security (he was also working for it, don't question the logic) since he "knew" some of the passwords and was pissed off at the world he decided to install a game called plainshift (i think that was what the game was called) and yeah since none of the teachers could touch him (he could sue them for assult and win 100% percent) and he refused to get off...yeah the police came and took him away

    best part: the school expelled him, but before all the paper work went through, he quit...and therefore, there is no mention of this on his record...awsome right?

  4. Aww but you even made a topic with which to share your build. That's a shame. Are you at school and can't access imgur?

    probebly, my schools blocks facebook

    its funny, cause i can just you facebooks moblie site to get around this, been like 3 years and can't figure out how i keep getting on facebook :)

  5. We should make tekkit work on the xbox too while we're at it. I always love hearing that one.

    i think we should do it for the PS3, cause you know why not?

    no...it never will...like ever!

  6. Hmm. I do believe I have the option to create a void. I never thought about that before. Voids make me a little nervous but there is definitely no better age to make a mob grinder in. Thank you sir. I appreciate the feedback, this is very helpful to me! *Nukes current grinder*

    if you want a world with dense ores and have to be stable then i would say put in some charged symbols

    Writing Tweaks:

    Increases instability added by Dense Ores

    Accelerated now adds instability

    Makes the following symbols add instability when stacked above certain thresholds: Villages, Strongholds, Obelisks, Mineshafts, Glowstone Crystals, Wooden Tendrils, Dungeons, and Crystals

    Adds symbol for meteors

    Meteors symbol adds stability

    Adds symbol for explosions

    Explosions symbol adds stability

    Charged symbol adds stability

    that is from xcompwiz's changelog :)

  7. I would think it means "Thread Creator", based on context, but I'm not sure. Easier than getting it comfused with OverPowered.

    thanks, hate acronyms, comes from being in cadets i think...so many...and kinda funny

    the 2 words repeat and say again are so different one rains more terror of the artillary kind and then the other askes the person to reapeat what they just said...

    I can't give you a copy of tekki with spax in it already, but (I really should look this up and you probably have every right to shit on me guys) if it isn't against any new rules either on minecraft, or this forum (I didn't find anything against it here, but if im wrong, I await your shit with open arms) Id be happy to set up and provide a copy of the spax texture pack with as much mod support as I can cram into it.

    Then again, and I mean you no offense sir, installing texture packs is a pretty straight forward process and even adding in mod support (i could be wrong here but this worked for me) is as easy as adding the files of one archive into the main archive. If you really can't figure it out, id be happy to help, but this does seem like a pretty trivial thing to do, at least in my opinion.

    wouldn't editing the main archive involve opening the minecraft.jar? to some people that is complicated

  8. from what i understand certain symbols add instability if there is to many of these symbols the age is unstable

    charged is one of the symbols that adds stablity regardless so it off sets the dense ores you get,

    think he put this in so you can't make "dream ages" anymore...

  9. the OP was banned not because he disliked overpowered things, but because he made this thread:


    for the most part, if you're not THAT stupid you can say pretty much whatever you want around here. there's no enforced policy preventing FTB discussion, it just so happens that almost every FTB thread eventually turns to shit and gets locked or something because of it. this is why we can't have nice things.

    its a shame we can't have nice things, you would think that if cheapshot and slowpoke got along they could make a launcher that would rival the development of forge.

  10. It's only in slowpokes streams, BTW and MCforums where they don't like the name Technic/tekkit mentioned. They don't care about it in FTB forums... more or less.

    I like the moderators over there

    Luckily here, in the evil technic, they dont censor users for mentioning stuff. Unless stuff is spouting nonsense, like OP did.

    like OP?

    they don't like things that are overpowered?

    please enlighten me if i got that wrong.

  11. What's wrong with that? The point of the launchers is to let the end user play modded minecraft without having to do a bunch of work. 99% of the people here don't care about whether you use FTB or Technic, just play the game (The 1% is basically the trolls like the one above and people who hate Technic).

    And I already posted why I use(d) Technic, not that it really matters.

    glad to hear it, although i think i heard a rumor that the launcher 2.0 was coming out soon (technic) might have just been dreaming though...

  12. That is all i'm gonna ask. I will be speechless if I get banned for this

    please dude...could you stop with the annoying posts and ban evasion?

    EDIT: i guess i should say something on topic, i currently don't use the technic launcher (i use the FTB launcher...yes, i know let's not go there), i use it for just getting a base in the modded minecraft, spent to long trying to figure things out on my own to really care now...

  13. from what i understand (and can remember)

    eloraam is a cunt because she put a whole bunch of hooks into forge and is now trying to take over forge with all her hooks and such

    so dong princess is trying to get everyone over to base class modding which would essencally end forge...and FC hates forge and love base class modding so for him its win win

    think that is all from what i can remember...hard to believe we got a forum thread up to 30 ish pages on this....

  14. here

    so, your overall posting quality is shitter then mine, and i got bad spelling and grammar to start with,

    even then, i still at least try to provide as much information as possible (weather it looks important or not)

    ps how are those screenshots coming along? its the F2 key to take a screenshot in minecraft and can be found by typing into command prompt

    start c:/users/(your computer's username)/appdata/roaming/.techniclauncher/technicssp/screenchots

    there are other ways to do this, but lets keep it complicated for now eh?

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