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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. Curious, what happens if you put a valve between a tank storing water and a tank storing lava and complete it? Do you get liquid obsidian? :P

    i would like to know this result as well...please test it for me :)

  2. :psyduck:

    You people make my head hurt. Go away with your fancy science!

    i like it though...it give me something to confuse my friends with other then relativity and time dilation

    Perhaps we should talk about the original topic. I think it was something about storage?

    the max size of a xycraft tank

  3. However cool 3d time sounds, the current string theory (or better said, the new one (as there are loads of em) with built in support for gluons, gravitons and sfermions) doesn't allow that. It only allows 2d time. Which, in a sense, is way cooler in this context than 3d time. Think of a five dimentional cube storing liquids O.o


  4. But if we're talking string theory business, it could also be 12 minutes wide and 12 minutes deep O.o

    by 12 minutes tall!

    that would mean that you could hold 1.6 million hours in there haha

    EDIT: arn't we geniuses


    uhh....thanks, i think you corrected my grammer?

  5. 12 meters tall, 12 meters wide, 12 meters deep, and 12 minutes long?

    it was moreless a joke to not make me look like an idiot, but yes if you want it can be 12 minutes

  6. I can't find out for myself at the moment, so I'll ask here. What do these fabricators actually do? They sound awesome.

    they are automatic crafting tables with an invotory...the best part

    you can use NEI to imout the recipe (with ghost blocks)

    fabricators and also pull items from adjacent fabricators (so you know those iron picks you need for block breakers? yeah you can make a stack of those instantly with fabricators (and enough matrials)

    they also got a redstone control, so you disable it with/without redstone or even have in pulse mode so that every pulse it gets it crafts 1 of that item

    of and they are neat looking and show the recipe when its being made on top

    i got 1 fabricator currently and i use to craft my logic gates, i got a supplier pipe under it to feed all the components...all i need to do is get the recipe in NEI then flick the lever a couple times...boom 1 timer 1 AND gate 2 toggle latches, all but flicking a lever.

    think that is all


    AFAIK, they seem like Auto-crafting tables but it "remembers" multiple recipes? I dunno, haven't had a reason to fiddle with one yet.

    I did mess around with the Multi-tank structures in Creative, though. Apparently they seem to defy some internal logic of multistructures, since they can be composed of pratically most Xyblocks you can make (except for viewing glass, but that works in the middle parts. Must test the lamps.) They do have a theoretical limit of just above 1,000 buckets--I tried a megastructure to test that, and that was the limit I hit. And all the tank data is stored in the Valve Block, so you can do interesting things like merge multiple tanks that contain the same liquid. I need to do more testing with multitanks, but this is a hugely useful alternative to Railcraft tanks and aren't prohibitively expensive if you just want to toss up some liquid storage.

    Note: each empty cube in a hollow tank is worth 16 buckets, or 16,000 in whatever measure it's in, so don't be misled by the numbers. Feel free to crunch some theoretical numbers for fun.

    i think that the max sized (12*12) hold 1.6 million buckets worth of X

  7. Lol, minium stone then, mage.

    I'm going to set up a system that I can right click, put items in, craft X amount of circuits. Honestly I used most of my iron Modular Powersuit-ing but it's still lovely. I also can start amassing EU by Solar Panels

    acually i use the pocket crafting table from factorization (cheaper to) minium stone is just for transmuting, i mean like all i have to do with a project table once in a while is go over shift-click a couple times to get some frames

    From what I remember, Fabricators now include that functionality, so that you are able to give it a redstone pulse to craft a single item. You can also put unstackable items in. Although, having an option to output to a pipe/adjacent inventory as an option (similar to the way thermal expansion handles it) wouldn't go amiss.

    would be nice...but Soryan can't make them to awsome can he?

    i also meant crafting logic gates, not the part about redstone control, although that is awsome as well :)

  8. Do it man. Phase out that nasty Project table and get beatiful Fabricator.

    project tables are still nice if you got to craft 1 item every now and then (like frames for forestry) i don't have to always look up the recipe

    however for the logic gates and such....OMG i think i jizzed and peed at the same time.

  9. I thought that fabricators might be more expensive (using xychorium), but I could be wrong.

    they do acually....i thought those engineering bricks were smooth stone for some reason...

    xycraft also had an official update, so fabricators and multitanks are in

  10. i thought that Soryan swam in molten ender while in one of Dire's server play episodes...oh well i guess he might have removed that...

    xycraft is an awesome mod...fabricators are the BEST like really i think they are 3000000000000000000 times better then standard BC auto-crafting table (maybe cheaper too?)

    i can see Soryan's logic in not wanting to include in technic or another mod pack yet, using FTB (which is less mainstream then technic) lets him test out his mod in a modpack environment


  11. i'm no expert in this sort of thing

    but i got some "theories"


    Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit

    [00:24:12] [sEVERE] Is 64-bit: 'false'

    is the launcher thinking your a 32bit system when your not?


    System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path is denied.
    at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
    at System.IO.File.Move(String sourceFileName, String destFileName)
    at TechnicLauncher.Form1.DownloadFileCompleted(Object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)

    are you playing at school? the computer might not be able to write to the AppData

  12. Thanks for this especially. I was confused as to where I should post my questions. I was sitting in the questions forums for a good 15 minutes looking for a post question button.

    you missed the big sign that says

    "submit bug report"

    when you do you can send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE with the link to your post

  13. You'd be surprised. 95% of the casual gamers I know only played CoD or Halo and other very mainstream games. TES, in comparison, is indeed pretty unknown. Also, Mount and blade is independent and definitely hipster. I do agree it's amazing though. and follow Munaus' advice, PoP is an awesome mod.

    i think TES is pretty mainstream, everyone in my school (of like 650) knows what it is

    mount and blade on the otherhand i agree with.

  14. Favourite game for me...hmmm

    Chessmaster 5500, awww yeah.

    On a serious note I'd probably say Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. I've put so many hours in those games.

    I also love mount and blade, or at least the idea of it. The only problem with it is there's not enough to do and all the characters are a little empty. But I love the idea and the battles are soo fun. I hope they don't mess up the sequel.

    And Civilisation, some brilliant games there. Especially the satisfaction you get from nuking people...heh...big boom go boom.

    these are all games that 95% of gamers have heard of. if you read the title is says "that no one played"

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