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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. That doesn't really solve our problem.

    it totally does!

    you just use the energy in the drill to constantly make a new drill....it's genius really

  2. Hi everyone.

    I remember seeing on a public SURVIVAL server a portal that when you went through it, transported you to another world, where players were given creative mode. When they returned home (or came back through the portal) they were back in survival.

    can anyone hook a brother up?

    you could use command blocks to change peoples gamemode as they come and go.

  3. Well you can't pick anything up with a portal gun in Tekkit.

    you can pick up iron chests and wraith lamps :D

    i have tried it in my singleplayer world....

    Gosh, you sure do like to use ellipsis'.

    welcome to how i tend to think and construct my sentences before editing them in my head to make actual sentences

  4. Perhaps it needs to have never existed.

    if he were to scrap the whole power generation and such....it would be a pretty cool mod...

    with routers handheld crafting table (from inventory) and Bag of Holding

    Wraith lamps also look cool....i am not really told on greg's lighting....not fancy enough....i don't think you can pick it up with a portal gun either....

  5. Yeah, I never quite figured out how to use Factorization and how to properly get power. It was just too confusing.

    i'll admit that it is complex...purhaps is needs a rewrite?

  6. Yeah, I've actually removed Factorization in my server's modpack as well. In reality, I've only ever seen people use 3 things Factorization has. Those three are barrels, wrath lamps, and routers. Let's see:

    Barrels? MFR has got it covered.

    Wrath Lamps? Greg's Lighting FTW.

    Routers? Okay, we don't have a mod for that yet.

    Well, we have 2 out of the 3 useful features of Factorization covered. I'd say Factorization's pretty redundant in this day of age.

    you missed trippling ore output....

  7. Don't quote the spambots!

    images.broken = true

    and i would rather not have this wonderful thread turn into a talk about permissions....

  8. I like your coherent coding style, very consistent and defined.

    public static boolean holymage.codeblarg;
    holymage.codeblarg = system.in();
    If (holymage.codeblarg = "true")
    system.out.println("let's quit and talk xycraft");
    system.out.println("let's talk xycraft");

    i took basic programing (visual basic) in high school, as i was thinking of making games....however i decided to not to pursue that as i clearly didn't have the mind for the more complex coding (and patience).

    anyone make a fancy house out of xycraft stuff yet?

    using engineer bricks make it look so cool!

  9. Dim usefulness as interger

    If Sev.action = slap then Holymage.action = block


    usefulness= 0

    if usefulness =0 then post = useless

  10. exactly what i was thinking... need a lot of copper an also... i need to find a way of getting more rubber... which i would be more than greatful to be able to trade it for diamonds or other ores.. :D

    you could use UU....

    After you so generously gifted me with a new suit I spent all my UU matter on sticky resin. 4 makes 21 resin, and thus 63 rubber.

    But I also think there's a Forestry thing that'll do it. I can make you a centrifuge extractor at least, then you can chuck rubber logs, saplings and everything in and have the rubber fairly fast.


    your prayers are answered :D

    i just tried to log in after lunch and i got kicked by the server....

  11. Sev.giveHumor(true)

    Now. Back onto XyCraft. You all seen the 1.5 rendering bugs for XyBlocks?

    that is what we just talked about....

  12. if i recall correctly....they said that moving blocks (like buildcraft engines) were impossible to do....then buildcraft 2.x came around

  13. Well, at least it suits the name XD. I like how it doesn't obstruct chests too. :P Also, Soaryn should make 'invisible' xychorium blocks. :P It'd be useful.

    i would like that as well.....or maybe 1 way glass? that would also be nice

  14. "your CU"

    "and i am TE"

    together we are CUTE!

    are you a waterbender? casue i am all wet

    are you a firebender? cause it's getting hot in here

    are you an earthbender? cause i am rock hard

    are you an airbender? cause your beauty blows me away

    there is my 5 corny jokes/pickup lines

    give me time and i MAI come up with more (alright 6)

  15. IGN: gooberlious

    Previous Bans:

    [You will not be rejected based on a ban]

    since i don't often never play on servers....i got no bans.

    Been playing minecraft since:about MC beta 1.0 got my account at 1.3b

    Been Playing Technic packs since: 1.7.3b

    Favorite mod: thaumcraft3

    Mod you would like seen added:

    thaumcraft3, however i don't think azenor (i think i spelled his name right) wants it in modpacks at the moment

    What Number1Zombie loves to use:

    he loves griefing peoples houses, and the rules said something about quarries above houses and previous posts said that it was nukes and tnt and lava. you got one bi-polar admin dude.

    Why you should be whitelisted?

    i should be whitelisted because i like to build shit and umm....i have an awsome personality? i am a very talkative guy...i like to talk to people, and i got good energy (i lived on a hippe ALS island for 6 years)

    What you want to do on the server:

    build a super base with automatic defenses and automatic mining. I like automatic machines and like to automate virtually everything (or make it REALLY fast)

    hope to meet you all on the server :D

  16. Clearly our keller penalty isn't severe enough.

    agreed....how about we have a system to allows us to punch people through the internet....or IP tracking software so we go in to there home and shoot em with a shotgun

    or....we could eerrm limit there posting?

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