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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. We're not all American you know.

    I'm pretty sure MI6 is British.

    i'm laughing at this lol

    I work for TPOC. :P (Technological Products for Ordinary Citizens) :P

    it also stands for Theraputic paws of canada.

    I know but he did list more than one American organization of stuff.

    most of "those" organizations at based in America...

  2. True, I just wish there was more use for them, that's all. :P

    PS: Drink Liquid Ender, turn into an enderman, or learn to tp?

    that could be something cool

    QUICK MODDERS copyright this before someone else takes it you want your adfly pennies right?!?! (sarcasm)


    errr i guess there is a shortcut key to post? i never hit the post key

  3. *charges rift blade then just teleports to another dimension*

    Seriously, why bother surviving there when you can just walk away :P

    What actual use is molten pig going to have, by the way? It sounds fun, but what can I do with it?

    no clue....i would assume it was would be some sort of food in a can....like those honey treats....

  4. The server parts would impode then explode then implode whilst the explosion occured. Also the universe would start having a spazz around it then BOOM


    and on the 8th day.....god destroyed humans

  5. And liquid ender is what you can't remember. It teleports you away.

    Mystcraft world of liquid ender....destory the stone blocks you spawn on.

    that would be interesting....

  6. Liquid Ice. Mmhm


    it is like the thing that only a GOD can drink...and i mean true gods!

    not some cheep Ori rip-off

  7. Morvelaira's voice is extremely prettyful. Also, if you have heard KingLemming talk, he sounds like Nicholas Cage..

    Also, why should storing liquids be expensive? Soon we can just place liquids down and use the ground as our storage..

    what do you think i am going to use that quarry hole for?

    Anyone have more info on the gregtech/xycraft blowup?

    Tonight on Morvelaira's stream there was talk about gregtech briefly fucking with Xycraft recipes, until some modders got involved and told the OCD little fuck he didn't have to 'rebalance' every mod Gregtech is bundled with...

    could i get a time stamp on that...i would love to hear it.

  8. Oh god...

    This is sad.

    Well done everyone! Free cookies in the server!

    could you snail mail mine?

    give the mail main a special note to make sure he comes into the house and find the only guy who is curled up in his bed trying to save what shred of humanity is left in the world .

  9. Works fine with barrels. It is a bit funny with TE machines, but everything besides buildcraft pipes are.

    i know you have to use the non-coloured sides if you want to extract/input things

  10. You use import bus + Interface = Done! :D It likes most mods, so long as you use the interface :)

    so i guess a better question is

    what doesn't it like?

  11. No, by broken, I mean broken, but it might be because I realised that someone had stolen the EU cable, so it jammed up XD. Both Applied Energistics and LP have compatability, so LogisticsPipes can use AE, through an ME interface. :)

    well that is cool i guess :o

    might be tempted

    out of curiousity how does AE like fabricators?

    like keeping it supplied, i got one in my base set up to pulse with a leaver so all i have to do to make logic circuits (RP2 ones) is look em up in NEI fill it in with it, then i flick the leaver for 1 or 2...or more

  12. Just off-topic, has anyone broken AE autocrafting before?

    and by "broken" i assume you mean used?

    no i haven't its a mod that i want to use....but i like the original LP pipes better right now...

  13. I was gonna suggest a Melee turtle with (iridium) shielding, so the turtle won't break. Not quite sure how turtles work with rare drops, but here are just my thoughts.

    they count as a fake player

    he could also have an automatic enchanter (like the one direwolf has come to think of it)

  14. Yup, but it will be slow as heck. The construction would have to be pretty large to get any amount of withers worth mentioning. Also, I recommend using tesla coils to zap 'em, as you'll have basically infinite EU in there (through geothermal generators). It will still be a very slow process though.

    he won't get skulls, they are counted as "rare drops" and won't drop if not kill by either a player or a "fake" player

    manually instal soul shards and Thaumcraft 3

    hunt wither's until you get a good enough soul shard (really T5 is ideal, but its not required i would say the min would be a T3 shard)

    construct a high tower (if you want EXP from them then they need to fall ~18 or so blocks have some strength iron goloms and place visors on them (you do need to research that stuff keep in mind) place a bunch of brains in a jar to soak up the xp from them (i will let you decide what you want to do with the excess xp)

    if you make the tower high enough you can kill them outright and now have to worry about the exp stuffs....however doing it that way mean you won't get skulls from them....

    if you got factorization i would suggest a barrels for keeping the loots.

    you get alot of bones and coal REALLY FAST! so make sure you got the storage capacity to hold them

    i am half tried, so chances are i missed somethings

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