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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. The first one isn't really SC related.

    please tell me how that isn't Starcraft related

    EDIT: DERP, was thinking of the pun between investors and infestors.....

    I fell out of my chair on that one.

    yo mama is so dumb she thought that Chasper lived in a ghost Academy

  2. got a couple starcraft related one(s)

    yo mama so dumb she takes financial advice from an investor

    yo mama so fat she is armored and massive

    yo mama so fat it takes 2 mass recalls to get her back to a nexus

    yo mama so fat when she walks into a room everyone yells "CARRIER HAS ARRIVED"

    yo mama so fat that time warp doesn't effect her

    you mama so fat that she crushes forcefeilds without being a "massive" unit.

  3. So i recently have been playing alot of Golden Sun. It's a pretty damn good RPG, however i was talking to a bunch of my friends about it and they were all like "Golden sun? what's that? do you make suns out of gold and then make more gold to make suns or something like that?"

    So i was wondering if anyone here has played it before? how did everyone like the twists in it? (espicially the one in Lumaria)

    oh well...i guess this is why we can't have nice things.

  4. It's been complicated with the update. I am the guy who makes the pack and manages most of the acctual work and this is the second server I run. I've been having issues with the other forcing it to not run so this has taken a back seat. I have good hope I can fix the other by mid saturday and get this server updated by that night.

    As for the kellering, well I got cocky...

    ahh....i know these are complicated things....i was just wondering on the status of it....and making sure you haven't forgotten us :P

  5. 2000+ Posts? Ya I'm the new guy. Sorry everyone! Total noob here!

    Word of advise: think, write, reread, edit, post, reread, edit. You'll last a lot longer by following that.

    well i guess i have been half assing it the whole time :P

  6. Will Forestry be staying? I'm going to be stashing everything I can carry in Forestry bags.

    I'm assuming IC2 and RP2 are out?

    EDIT: Luke, do you think you could bring the EnderStorage folder across to the new server? Ender Chests (the modded version) can be locked to a player by right clicking the lock with a diamond (it should go blue). If you kept the ender storage folder, we could save everything in those ender chests, boosting our storage space by... well, more than we are likely to need. Every single combination can be locked seperately. If you carry this across, nobody will lose any progress, so the reset won't hit anyone hard.

    RP2 is out, IC2 i don't (think) isn't

    and that is a good point....why didn't i think of that?

  7. take a usb cable, attach it to metal clips . Then create a script that will turn the usb port on whenever you give items with NEI, causing shock to travel through the wire, into the metal clips, and into your body.

    oh that's a good one.....

  8. Cool story bro.

    in what chaper do you shut up

    sorry....i needed to say that....temptation and all

    but if you want to stop cheating then i woudl recommend having a strong will power or play on a server were you can't cheat

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