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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. Yeah. Just toss out a bomb or bridge or something and take note of its power and angle. Adjust the real shot with the more powerful thing as necessary.


    Not that it helps much if you're facing annihilation next round because you neglected your hub in favour of getting lots of energy...

    Or cluster bombs and follow the middle one while taking out AA?


    EDIT: Byte, i might be able to set up a 24/7 server for the MBC if i get one of my other laptops revived....

  2. Couple points here.....

    1.) how do you not know your OS? My grandma doesn't know but she could tell me it runs windows at least

    2.) how do you not know your anti-virus?

    3.) we need the full log, please use pats bin

  3. If you got lots of lag but none in LAN then I would guess that your connection needs to improve, most Likely your upload speed.

    Remember that MC (especially for modded) requires a high CPU speed to process all the random nature and machines that come with it.

  4. i'll assume you stay out of the drama of the MC community.

    people don't like greg-tech because his mod messes with a CRAP-TON of other things in mods when mod authors ask for it to be removed he does one of the following:

    A.) throw a hissy fit and makes it so that his mod breaks if you try to play it with that mod

    B.) suck it up and take it out

    C.) doesn't do anything and says it's more balanced.

    most of the time he does that without asking. Which is kinda like someone taking your (good copy of an) essay and messing with it.

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