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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. 4 hours ago, TheBytemaster said:

    The GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) is a "processor". They do use thermal paste, just like CPUs.

    I forgot to mention, the game I was playing, (NEOTOKYO*), has never exhibited this in the past. And it hasn't been updated in forever.

    At any rate, I'm doing a full driver reinstall with a more stable edition of the drivers. (I was on the performance branch, switching to the boring stable business branch.)

    YETI: That seems to have mostly fixed it, max temp after a frame-unlocked stress test is a much more acceptable, (although still kinda high), 75C

    maybe get a fan and sit in front of your computer :P 

  2. 4 hours ago, TheBytemaster said:

    Crap, my laptop's GPU has decided to go crazy on me. It keeps hitting 99 degrees Celsius and throttling itself while playing this old HL2 mod. I turned on Vsync to lock the framerate down, but it's still hitting 89. The only time it ever hit anywhere close to that before is when I was playing Warframe with the GPU clocked 25% over stock for long periods of time.

    Any ideas? This is a rather sudden thing. New thermal paste, maybe?

    GPU's use thermal paste? i guess its differnt from a desktop setup like mine...so possibly? maybe drivers? is it plugged in correctly (maybe it got bumped or something?)  

  3. I have to agree, that was rather... underwhelming? I kind of expected him to at least say a word or two. Like, "Rey" or something. Something to make everyone freak out with theories.

    with the support of my intuition i want to say that luke is Rai's father and that he dumped her on the planet and told her to wait for him 

  4. 1: Lightsabers aren't magic swords powered by the force. They're massless but partially tangible blades of energy with wonky interaction physics, created by a particle stream through an array of special crystals. The reason you rarely see anyone but a force user wielding one is you pretty much need the force precog ability or a lot of luck to make it past the beginner stages without lopping a couple of your own limbs off.

    Han used luke's in ESB, and grevious won out against trained jedi in the clone wars cartoon and RotS.


    Blade color is determined by the crystals used, not magical alignment reading. The prevailing fan theory is the color is a side effect of the power and focus characteristics chosen when building the saber, with "hot" colors denoting high output with bare minimum focus, while "cool" colors show a blade precisely focused to use minimum energy output to maximum effect. Basically a mirror of the light and dark side mentalities but still a mechanical effect created by the choice of the builder.


    2: The saber luke used in RotJ was a newly built saber, not the blue saber given to him by obi wan in a new hope. While presumably lost, the saber likely stayed lodged in the depth of cloud city during the empire's occupation and retrieved later after the death star 2's destruction.


    3: Hollywood.



    Hah, no spoiler tag needed. And yes, I am a massive nerd. So much so you have no idea.

    that was much less epic then i was hoping for....

  5. so an interesting topic came up in regards to the new star wars at work last night 


    1.) how can Fin use a lightsaber? only people who can use the force with the color of your lightsaber deciding your alignment and in the case of a jedi, your rank among the jedi. 

    2.) in the 6th movie Luke lightsaber is green, yet the one rai has is blue. this could be explained by the above but is still interesting... (i know in the 6th movie they had to make it green because the blue wouldn't come through on the blue sky if they didn't) 

    3.) Rai going directly to Leia and hugging her. Rai hasn't met Leia yet...so they just hug each other to greet each other? no "hi nice to meet you, i watched your husband die and i didn't even try to use the force to try and save him" ....women are weird.  

  6. I've been watching the changelogs; it's basically a half-reversion to the old Thaumcraft 3 as I see it. The Aura mechanics simply make it more important to be in a good spot to do your infusions and other things.

    so we just make mystcraft worlds for infusion....because that's what i did back in the day...

    dunno if this is TRUE! but with the new devices that you can use to move Vis  and taint from one chunk to another you can get taint to go from all your surrounding chunks into one chunk and just have that chunk be a "cleaning" to remove all the bad stuff.... 

  7. Hrmm... did you disable Fludic Nether Portals on the KJ server? Can't seem to place mine down in the overworld, like it's supposed to do.

    i thought you had to place them in the nether and then one is made at the corresponding coordinates in the overworld....

    also i know this is a simple one, but make sure that the chunk is loaded on both ends of the spectrum  i'm an idiot who can't read 

    however if that isn't working, i would just use teleport pipes (yes they work cross-dimensional...otherwise i'm getting lava from the void between pipes) 

  8. https://en.shindanmaker.com/a/581871

    magical girl TheBytemaster

    theme: antique doll

    motif: spider web

    weapon: armor

    magic: mist

    colors: cerulean + powder blue


    Waaaait. I don't understand how... this is..... supposed... to........?




    Guess I'll just have to try and draw it.

    for Gooberlious:
    magical girl Gooberlious

    magical girl Gooberlious
    theme: neon
    motif: bells
    weapon: key
    magic: time
    colors: misty rose + robin's egg blue

    For Holymage! 

    magical girl Holymage!
    theme: music
    motif: diamond
    weapon: cymbals
    magic: ash
    colors: blue green  + wine

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