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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. Your biotic powers malfunction and kill your entire family.

    I wish I could turn invisible and visible at will.

    Your invisibility powers malfunction and transfer you to an alternate dimension

    i wish Mass Effect 3's ending was better...

  2. You dont get brainwashed in the first place while they make you think that you were brainwashed into thinking you were never brainwashed. In your confusion, they steal your wallet and phone, then max out your credit card and take a cash loan of 3 million dollars in your name. Have fun cleaning that mess up.

    I wish for my work to do itself :P

    Side note: I love how this thread is still on topic after almost 340 posts!

    your work does it self, but poorly...you now have no family or job or money

    i wish for biotics (L5n implants, vanguards are the shit)

  3. my mother once told me "ignorance is bliss"

    i think i know why now

    I know, there is so much hate around that's unwarranted. FTB players are all in our face saying stuff like "You don't get permissions", or "You don't donate to the modders", when in fact, we DO get permissions nowadays, and we DO have a donation page (While FTB's has been broken and non-working for a while).

    i acually want to go and make a fourm thread pretending they make the mods and ask how i can donate to them cause they make the awsome mods

  4. Its tekkit lite so no EE2 unless you mean making a farm in the neather. If your going to the neather you might as well just go geothermal.

    blazes take damage to water...or snow balls...there is that neat machine called the glacial precipitator which will make snowballs for you

    ps ender chests are awsome

    (i don't wanna spell it out for him...but i give you a hint)

  5. I conned my uncle into getting me a copy.. :P

    i payed for myself, its always been the rule since i have been like 15...get the money for the things you want, though it never worked for them...i was painiont (<-my spelling sucks...) and would just wait for my birthday/Christmas

    or i would get some really good report card/test mark

  6. (and i snip this comic)

    Just as true as it ever was.

    i am not sure if this is better then the HOTS opening cinematic or not

    when did this whole thing start anyways?

    also keep in mind that most people that play MC used mommy's credit card to buy it, they really know nothing at all about technic/tekkit. (acually my friends younger brother is one of these people, i constantly get asked how to make his frame ship work...now i just tease him about monkey quest and he shuts up pretty damn quick...well least about tekkit :P)

  7. Legend of zelda....its the whole reason i can read...yes...video games gave me a life skill, how to read, specifically OOT and MM...a link to the past later...

    OOT was the only zelda game i ever really got 100%...and i did that blind...no guide, no walkthrough, and the only advice i ever got was from my mom

    "there is always more then one way to skin a cat"

  8. Haha, I loved the SNES cart. Favorite level was the Iga Ninja stage--giant brass balls! :D

    I need to try out the N64 one sometime.

    its the best i think :)

    I beat zero hour on hard once because I got really bored :suicide: never again.

    zero hour? metriod?

  9. Ah, yes. That was quite a bit of fun. Too bad I was like 4 years old at the time and I was too scared of the ice monsters to go any further.

    its a sad story....i wanted to play it again....but windows is missing some application .dll so i can't play it

    it also seems that if i google it and get it and install it, i could get some stability issues....LE SIGH!

  10. step one....go back to the fourms' main page.

    step two...stop being lazy, acually this should be number 1...

    step three....scroll down

    step four...click on Technic Launcher Bugs/Problems

    step five...make a post there...

    step six...remember to post in the right section next time

  11. on a serious note, i don't see much reason for a well-made port/rewrite of minecraft pocket wouldn't be possible on the ds/ds lite/dsi/3ds (choose one, most likely 3ds)

    pokect edition yes....but i was talking about the PC version

  12. you with your new-fangled technology. i want technic luncher* on my gameboy pocket!**

    *purposefull misspelling **i actually own one

    what? no man....i want to on my DS...the DS totally has more then enough processing power...maybe even a minigame were you kill creepers

  13. I thought passive mob despawning was removed in Beta 1.8, when animal breeding was introduced(so that it would actually work).

    i thought it was when animal breeding came in...which was 1.9PR5 (offically 1.0.0)

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